Oct 22, 2015 20:41
In terms of size, is Bethany catching me up faster or slower than Zoe is catching Bethany up?
On one hand, Bethany's chasing a stationary target and Zoe's chasing a moving one, but on the other hand, Zoe's smaller and so presumably growing faster.
Does it matter how many dimensions we're talking about? Height, girth, or weight (which is presumably proportional to volume, but maybe not, as babies have relatively larger heads)?
Alex points out that while size is continuous, clothing sizes are discrete, so it's not possible for both catchings-up to happen at the same time, unless Zoe were to have a growth spurt and skip over a size.
One day I'll have two teenagers, we'll probably all be able to wear each other's clothes (whether they'd want to is a different matter), and sorting clean laundry will be very difficult and require encyclopedic knowledge of who owns what. At the moment, basically none of us can share clothes (although sometimes in an emergency Bethany will wear my jumper and be swamped by it), and sorting laundry is fairly easy, because you can tell at a glance whether something is Zoe-size, Bethany-size or Mummy-size (or indeed Daddy-size, but there's much less overlap of colours and styles there). So I was thinking about the transition between these two states, and what order it'll happen in.