Jun 19, 2005 12:35
i had two very puzzling dreams last night, the first one, i am home and my cats (i have two in 'real life') are in a deep coma. i can't seem to wake them so i go and buy two rats to try to scare my cats into waking up. this only awakens one of my cats the other doesnt wake up. since the rats have done thier job i deceide to take them to this park to let them go free when i open the bag one of the rats runs off but the other one talks to me, and tells me it wants to be my friend to prove this, he directs me to this dog who was hit by a car it is a female dog and it is dead but there are puppies moving inside. i am compelled to cut open the dog and save the puppies which i do there are seven, four of which who live. in the second dream (which became lucid at the end) i am flying and i see this building and it is full of people i go in to the building and all these people are bing herded into this room i have the horrific sense of dread and i try to convince these people not to follow along with thse guards into this room since i am lucid at this point and realise i am dreaming, so i try to convince them by telling them they are dreaming i go over 'reality checks' with them to prove they are dreaming (like pinching themselves, asking themselves how they got there etc. stuff i do when i am dreaming) but while there were a few people i got to admit they were dreaming, no one wanted to leave so i got out a started to fly away, as i did i noticed from the top floor of this building people were screaming, i flew to the window to look inside. but unfortuately a noise in the real world caused me to wake up.