Jul 02, 2016 21:52
Half eight is a bit early to be awake on a Saturday after getting into bed just after 2am. Al kindly delivered me home from the Dukes Head. I've got to be on site at the farmer's market down the road in under an hour to set up and play. I better get ready, but will write later about last night.
So, last night. I bussed it to Richmond and found Ted and Al outside. A lot of musicians lined up to play. I got five tunes out of Seb with combinations of Al, Fleur and Gren. The buggers got the pub singing happy birthday not once but twice. Twice the embarrassment. Then Fleur stepped up with a glowing autoharp cake and I was speechless. It was beautiful and very tasty. Pretty much everyone in the pub had some. I've got two pieces left, one for brother Al and one for me as well as the candles which I'll keep forever. What a woman Fleur is to make such a cool cake and what lovely music mates to play along side. So I'm feeling just really happy because of all that.
Back to the farmer's market. I was walking down the road all fancied up in my stripy trousers with two harps and two instrument stands and a music stand in a bag. Then I heard a BEEB and a postal van came suddenly coasting to a halt with the door opening. I heard a voice shout "I got a parcel for you." It was my neighbour down the road who is a postie. I crossed over to get the package and exclaimed "What service!" I knew what it was, another pair of stripy trousers. I got to the market in the carpark on time and found someone in charge. I was given an amp and a mic, both in a newish box. The amp was blue tooth and the mic wireless. Well, I didn't know how to set it all up and there was no one around who knew. I got flustered and increasingly pissed off. When I specified my requirements I was told they had a battery powered amp with an instrument input. I thought it would be alright but never imagined it was going to be a bluetooth amp and not even a mic stand. I asked the site organiser if there was mains I could plug into and was shown round the back of the marquee to an extension cable. I then walked home annoyed and swearing. I got my amp, mic stand and cables from the flat and drove back in the van. As I was setting up, Rachel and my Nephew Jack showed up which was lovely. Now with decent kit I was able to fill the market with music. It was great seeing people coming through and getting smiles from folks and stares from little kids. Jack was beaming. Some folks would often come to chat between songs so the set was not totally solid. Also saw a couple of neighbours there and did a request for one. Half way through the second set the rain came down and I had to get all the kit under the marquee and some kind people helped me. It did stop raining but some of the kit was wet, the carpark was wet and I was worried about setting up again because of the electric. So I went round the stalls ending up buying some cordial, some 78's and some local beeswax for the didges.
This was an important gig as regards to making a spectacle of myself in the community. As it was a paid booking through an organisation I was asked if I could invoice them. This is a first ever and a great feeling invoicing for a performance booking.