This is the first time I have ever done something like this :S. I don't really know what I'm doing or where I'll end up so it is very scary for me. :O. There is not much I can bring to the lj community but I shall do my best with the little I have. (puppy dog eyes(Is there a smiley for that?))
I should start with a bit about me...
- My name is Lis (not short for Elizabeth)
- I live in the UK
- I wish I was in Japan
- I am learning Japanese
- I haven't eaten meat in 1 year and two weeks (Yeah!)
- I am currently starting my GCSEs (eek)
- I never finish anything I start, ever
- I'm hoping to change that :S
- I don't really have a favourite member, I love them all!
- Yamapi holds a special place in my heart because he was the reason I found all of this :)
- I started in Japanese stuff with manga
- Which progressed to anime
- Which progressed to dorama
- Which progressed to Yamapi
- Which progressed to NEWS
- Which progressed to LOVE! :P
- I am starting to branch out to other groups like KT-TUN (and Jin) and Kanjani8 (Ryo-chan!)
- I am a complete nerd, DFTBA, nerdfighters ftw! :D
Yeah, that's me, pretty much. Yeah. Right. I hope to write every Saturday (I am aware that today is not a Saturday, just, bear with me :P)
Jaa ne! Maido ari! :D x