Apr 07, 2011 17:13

 "So, are you two going anywhere for Easter?"

Me: I might be. I'm not sure though.

Him: I'm not.

Really? Are any of us bloody well surprised? Anyone? No? That's because you NEVER FREAKIN' COME HOME WITH ME.

"I'm having my last university class the weekend before so I want to go out!"

Him: Yeah. Well I'll be here so let us know and we'll see.

Do you remember back, oh I don't know, a few weeks ago when you said you'd try to make it home with me. How people who hadn't even met you AFTER 2 1/2 YEARS were asking about you and wanted to see you? How disappointed i was that you weren't coming home with me before because you were "too busy." And now, surprise surprise, you're "too busy" again?

How do you deal with someone who isn't a "do things for other people" type of person? When things like initiative and putting other people first are not the person's top personality traits? How do you deal with that without wanting to punch them in the face?

GAH! So goddamn frustrating!

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