Wowie. It's been forever since I typed in here! :P Mostly it's because I never feel like I have anything of interest to type about. Or because I never really have time. BUT! On to the update!
Still working at EB games * makes gagging sounds* but you know, it's a job right? Our new assistant manager starts on Saturday, which means my hours go from 35 to 21. I'm going to miss having the extra money. It felt good being able to pay bills on time without having to barrow money from my parents or cut things out of my life in order to make the minimum payment. We are going to be getting more hours the closer it gets to Xmas though, so maybe it wont be as bad as I'm predicting? *crosses fingers*
BIGGEST NEWS! I am starting an online course next week! :D YEAH! I am going through the ICS institute and will be getting my Wildlife / Forestry Conservation Diploma. :D TEEHEE! I am excited about this on quite a few levels. I will have something to do in my spare time so I won't be so bored over the winter. I will feel like i'm working towards something and will not just be working at EB games to make rent. I can put something else on my resume to go along with my BA to show I have a more focused set of skills. It involves a lot of Park Management and Environmental Law so I could apply at the Provincial Parks or Conservation Authority (which are the two places I've wanted to work for a while now) and actually have a background in it. It doesn't cost a lot of money (roughly $800) and they are allowing me to pick how much I want to pay upfront and how much I want to pay each month. VERY exciting! I'll let you know how it goes!
Going home for Thanksgiving by myself (are we surprised? I think not) in the next week. Should be fun. The famn damily were supposed to go to my Aunt Kim's on the Sat for dinner but she had to cancel due to medical problems. :S Makes me worried. She's always had some issues with her health and there have been a few close calls, so the fact that she's not well enough to do something she's done for years makes me nervous.
Having some personal issues with the boy. Nothing like what I thought I'd have a problem with. Sure he leaves clothes on the floor and the room is messy, but whatever. I have my spout of anger and then move on. This is more "I'm a silly boy who doesn't understand that just because I am perfectly content with the way my relationship is going doesn't mean my partner is."
- The most recent example being his interactions with other women. I have been trying... for 18 months to get him to take dance lessons with me. I FINALLY got him to compromise on swing lessons because ballroom and latin weren't manly enough and he would feel more comfortable. Ok. Fine, I'll take what I can get. So I searched (just me mind you. It was only something I wanted to do so I had to be the one to look it up) but couldn't come up with anything. Then the other day he was telling me how an acquaintance of ours asked him to take fiesta and zumba classes with her and he said OK. And when i asked, "So you'll take classes with another woman but not with me?" He replied with, "Don't be jealous." Um. Yeah. OK. How's FREAKING PISSED OFF sound instead? Every person I have asked advice from on how to handle this has responded with "Is he a freaking idiot? Or just THAT clueless?" *sigh*
- Later that night I we were sitting watching the Simpsons and Marge asked Homer to give up beer for her. Homer was upset but he did it. I laughed and said, "I'm not even going to bother asking you to give up beer. I know you wouldn't do it." He responded, "Well, what would I get in return?" I kind of tilted my head and said, "hugs and kisses and all my love?" He laughed, "I already get that, I'd need something else." I bantered back trying not to show how upset that remark just made me. What would I get? Is that how it is supposed to work? In order for one to do something for the other they have to get something back in return? Something they deem worth it?..... Is my happiness and gratitude not worth it?..... Well..... apparently not.
- That reminds me of something. A while ago I had to do one of those "sit down and talk about your feelings" things with him because I was really NOT happy about the way things were going. A bit of background, he smokes weed on the rare occasion. I wouldn't have found out about it except he accidentally let it slip when he was drunk that he did it a few months ago on a trip. When I asked him why he didn't tell me he responded with, "Ignorance is bliss." Yeah. I know right? Anyway, I had a REALLY bad experience with it when I was younger and HATE it when people do it around me. So, I asked him, "If someone asked you do it, please say no." He responded with something along the lines of "But I don't see anything wrong with it.... I only do it when i don't have to drive... blah blah blah." And then he finally said what he was really thinking, "But f someone asks why not, what am I going to say? Because my girlfriend doesn't like it? That's so lame. It's so.... whipped." I'm glad to see your pride sits above my happiness. In the end he said he would TRY to avoid it as best he could, but if he couldn't then he would tell me about it after. Yeah. OK. Whatever.
The whole thing is just really frustrating. I DON'T want to be that controlling, whiny girlfriend. I DON'T. But it seems like every few weeks I'm having to sit him down and go over all that things I'm not happy with (granted some of them are recurring themes). I had a friend ask me yesterday "how often does he sit you down and talk about things he doesn't like?" "He never does." "Of course he never does! He gets to come and go in HIS car, live in HIS parent's house, hang out with HIS friends at school and apparently act however with whoever whenever he wants. YOU'RE the one who has to live on someone else's schedule. Why would he complain about that?"
Well, anyway, now that I have completely killed the happy mood I was in :P
Going on a Ghost Hunter trip soon! Well, hopefully. A friend of Stefan's was talking to me about how they are getting together a group of people and are going into this abandoned rail station (or something like that) and going to see if they get any activity. I was like, "sign me up!" So we'll see if they go or not. I think that would be fun! Haven't done anything like that since Diane and I walked into the forest by my house flashing pictures of trees hoping to get a shot of something. :D
Going as a little sister from Bioshock for Halloween! :D Still haven't found anything for a costume but I'm hopeful. I mean if worse comes to worse I can always go as a Splicer with Stefan... but i want to be a little sister! :P
Well/.... that's all I can think of right now. Trying to figure out my life, what's important to me, what needs to change, how I can bring that change around. you know, boring old grown up stuff :P