Aug 28, 2006 20:53
First of all, I'm back from Tenerife! I had a brilliant time too. Pooped myself flying as usual, but I got to practice loads of Spanish, and now I feel I've learned so much more as I can sometimes understand what people are saying when they conversate, so it's wicked for me! The whole idea of going on holiday 2 days after results day seemed a bit rushed at first, but, it ended up being totally the opposite and gave me a chance to really chillax. I REALLY needed a break and that was exactly what I got (seeing as I haven't been abroad in 2 years), so I'm happy as can be. I'm also very tanned (Sorry if that sounds like showing off to those of you who burn and peel out there, but, I'M TANNED! lol) I ended up staying in a luxury 5 star hotel after our villa we were meant to be staying in wasn't very nice, so that was very good. Also went up Mount Teide (The largest mountain in Spain and the Atlantic/3rd largest volcano in the world - and don't worry, it's not active) in cable carts where I was crapping myself, as the cart swung about 3,000 feet in the air as it went through the metal stands. The beaches were also pretty good, despite being completely packed (including Germans EVERYWHERE), but the sea was really cool and cleaner than most seas, so I swam out pretty deep. And then to top it off on the way home yesterday, we saw Minty from 'Eastenders' at the airport, who then ended up being on our very flight, sitting 1 row in front of us! LOL! Got home around 1.30am last night, and now here I am!
Anyway, an update on other things that have happened throughout the Summer;
Firstly, about a month ago, I went camping next to the Mad Bess woods in Ruislip with Coral, Kerry, Dan, Matt and Lewis Tearle, and what great fun it was! Coral organised the whole thing, and she did so brilliantly, Dan was head chef, and Kerry was mad axe woman lol, and I had a really good experience as I managed to put mine and Matt's tent up with Matt without any real help. I even took it all down by myself on the last day ^^
About 2 weeks ago, I went to Weymouth with the guys for Gem's 18th. That was also another great time away; just chillin' with friends, and enjoying each other's company. It was also great to see Cozzie and talk with her as I haven't for ages. The caravan was lovely, and Gem's bday night was the best, just laying on the hill watching the stars, moon and shooting stars. Hope you enjoyed it Gem =)
Another big thing for me, I passed all my A-Levels!!! I was so thrilled. Going to Uni soon and hopefully going onwards and upwards even further from then.
I have to say, I think this has been one of the best Summers I've ever had (despite a few things)! I've ended up doing so much, and there's been things that I will remember forever!
However, last night I had a dream. I won't say what happened apart from the fact that it really upset me. I woke up crying and felt sad inside. I hope the person it was about knows how I feel, cause I really do miss you.
Bilbo Baggins xxx