Clouds Clearing

Jan 08, 2006 07:39

Man, have I been funked out! One of three things could have caused it: 1) my monthly emotional cycle; 2) I'm taking Claritin everyday right now because of the Cedar and the Claritin may be causing it; or 3) I gave up sugar for the New Year. I haven't had sugar since midnight Dec 31st, and I may be going through sugar withdrawal -- yes, such a thing exists :). (Sugar is bad news for a lot of folks in my family. Our minds and bodies can't handle it. My dad and my uncle have already developed Type II diabetes, and my mom and I are headed that way unless we clean up our diets.)

I really hope it's not the Claritin. Cedar pollen will be in the air for another month-ish, and I have to take it everyday just to function.

Anyways, I feel the clouds clearing in my mind. I hate being in a funk -- just hate it. And Matt feels the full force of my funks because he lives with me. I'm adding exercise into my daily routine to help defend against the funks.

Yesterday, I asked Matt why he really believed that I would quit eating sugar this time. I've tried so many times and failed. What made this time different? He said that you have to believe every time you try something, or you are just setting yourself up for failure. And, the funny thing is, I do believe I'll do something every time I try it -- every single time I try something, I believe in my heart that this will be the time I succeed. And then one day, I turn that corner without even realizing it, and I succeed.

This time I really am going to do regular exercise. This time I really am going to write a book. This time I really am going to stay off the sugar.

This time, I feel great!
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