May 10, 2007 20:12
It's surprising how many of my entries start out "Well, I WAS having a good day until...". I'm sure it says something about me that I am way too tired/angry/whatever to figure out. Anyhow, well, I WAS having a good day until about an hour ago. I did really well on my soc test and my third class was canceled so I got home early and just hung outside and smoked while reading "Eat, Pray, Love". Then my mom came home with the mail. I got my letter from the student loan people and apparently, I will be paying my student loans off until I'm 40. Great. My plan of running off to Mexico to avoid paying my student loans is looking more and more like a great plan. Maybe I'll run off to France instead because I A) Speak French and B) Would like to go somewhere where I could drink the water. Then the good news just kept on coming when my mom told me she might need a pacemaker. Hooray! I know it's a routine procedure but the idea of someone opening up my mom's chest is just a wee bit scary. Oh, and she might have an infection in her bones. Ugh. I just want to crawl into a hole right now because I didn't need this shit on top of all this other shit and just ugh. I quit. Off to watch "The Office" and try to catch up on some of my school work before work tomorrow. I won't even start in on that shit because, well, mostly because "The Office" is almost on. Ha. TV controls my life. This is sad.