Sep 06, 2006 20:58
I've done nothing these past two weeks besides work, watch sports, and watch "Next" on MTV. I've spent entire days in bed watching "Next". They have those f-ing marathons on everyday and, damn it, I just have to watch. It's like a black hole that just sucks you in and won't let you go. I've seen over two dozen episodes and that's on the liberal side. They've been entertaining but I swear I lose IQ points with every episode. Mmm "Next"...
So in between the "Next" watching and my occasional trips to work, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I realized that
A) I'm so done with this town and there's nothing really here for me
B) I'm terrified of babies
C) I have to go to grad school if I ever want to make more that minimum wage
D) I have to go to grad school in Ohio (bleh)
E) My big, fancy history degree that I'm paying for is kinda worthless
F) I don't really like history all that much
G) I should've gone to school to be a fireman
So there we go. The last one started a fight with me and my mom which was fun. My grandpa, her dad, was a fireman so I'm not sure why she'd have a problem with me doing it. I could go to this tech school for two years to do it but you have to become an emt and I don't really wanna do that. I guess I could get my masters and then become and fireman. I don't know when having those two degrees would come in handy. Unless a library I'm working in catches on fire. I'd put out the fire while telling you where the books on 14th century Chinese poets were located. Multi talented.