Am in weird, weird mood. Not weird good sadly enough, just plain weird. I'm second guessing myself like whoa on things that are just silly.
It started off at work really when the code wasn't cooperating and I felt like I was screwing things up. And then it turned out it wasn't my fault it wasn't cooperating as it was a big framework issue and things got gradually better from there. Of course, the insecurity has now somehow crept over into other silly things. Which seriously are silly. *sighs at self*
I'm also in the mood where I want to listen to music, but I get sick of anything after a minute or two. Which again... annoying.
If the weather wasn't lousy grey, I would go sit outside and read a bit. Honestly, the book I'm reading isn't one I want to read outside though so I suppose it doesn't matter. I'm reading the Diaries of Adrian Mole by Sue Townsend. Had people look at me weirdly when I was snickering over a certain entry on the train. It's a good book, but not one I'm deeply involved in.
Yeah, I'm rambling now. Gah. Stupid mood. Should watch some Avatar eps or something, but I don't really want to. Same with FMA. Or anything else.
... Wow. Um. Whiny entry. *uses lj-cut*