So I'm still flailing and I'm kind of getting annoyed at the ep.
When was this supposed trip with Logan and Mercer taking place? Was this before he came back to Hearst to spend the weekend with Veronica instead? If it was, then that pretty much means that he didn't come back for Veronica but because he got into trouble. If it was set before that then how come that Veronica had no clue her boyfriend was for a few days in Mexico. Either way? Doesn't look very good.
But to be honest, I don't believe a word of what Logan said. It doesn't add up. Everything Mercer said seemed to be about how this was about Logan and not him. It just felt off, like something was missing and I'm not buying it. There's something more there. That or I'm getting seriously tired with his mumbling and want him to learn to open his freaking mouth and articulate. Gah.
I understand why Veronica got annoyed at Logan. He's not exactly giving her much reason to trust him while she had been making progress on the ground and then he comes up with this making her doubt herself. I'll be even more annoyed if this whole thing gets swept under the carpet because he saved her now. I just want to shake a lot of people about this season.