I need to whine about Stargate fandom for a moment. So, I've been looking for Cameron fic. Granted, I've been looking for Vala/Cameron fic because I'm pathetic like that. However, what I keep running in to is Cameron/Daniel, Cameron/Teal'c and preferably threesomes with Daniel, Teal'c and Jack. There's the small exception where Cameron gets to play with Vala and Daniel, but in all of the threesome fics, Cameron is the cherry on top. Oh look, I've got a OTP, but Cameron is hot so let's make him buttmonkey to the pairing.
Oh yeah, I read Cameron/Sam fic that basically dealt with Sam being cursed and Cameron getting killed because he flirted with her. WTF?
Also notice how there is no Cameron daily, but there is Cameron/Daniel daily. Double WTF?
This saddens me. Almost everything out there is slash or just bad (because there's a Mary Sue fic out there too). With the one exception of the kick ass fic
sloanesomething did.
Cue sulking.
I don't suppose anyone knows any Aeryn/Cameron fic either? No? Didn't think so.