In the Ask the Maker meme,
happy_harper13 asked me about this icon:
, which I made for my last
movie20in20 claim. Unfortunately, I didn't save the PSP, so I recreated it! I came as close as I could. :)
First, I open the cap in Paint Shop Pro. I'm in the minority here on LJ among icon-makers since I don't have PhotoShop, but I'm certain that all these steps will translate. Once I open the cap, I go to Adjust >> One Step Noise Removal. This is pretty self-explanatory. It smoothes-over all the rough, noisy parts of the image. I do this on almost all images that are over 700px. Anything smaller than that and the image gets too smooth and you can't distungish facial features or any other important parts.
I usually crop icons the same way every time. I take my selection tool and set it to square. That way, no matter what I select, it's a perfect square. After I make a selection, I copy it and paste it as a new image. I then resize it to 100x100. I zoom in on the cap if I feel like doing a close crop. In this case, I wanted the far crop. I didn't like the way it looked with the end of the board in the icon like this,
It just bugged me. I thought making the whole board cross the top of the icon like so
makes a better composition. I also made sure that Cecilia is in the center. After resizing the image, this is my base.
Getting Down To Business
So let's defeat the Huns make this icon! Overall, I want the icon to be soft and pretty. Yeah, that's a pretty general goal. I don't want the greens to be killed out. Even though in the movie it's a hot, sticky day, I want the icon to look like paradise.
01. Curves Layer - Under RGB: Point 1 is 107 > 84 and Point 2 is 125 > 103. Layer is set to Normal at 100% opacity. I'm sure Curves is different in other programs, so here's a screenshot:
02. Color Layer - Fill with #c0c0c0 and set to Soft Light at 100% opacity.
03. Curves Layer - Under Red: Point 1 is 37 > 46 and Point 2 is 116 > 118. Layer is set to Multiply at 35% opacity.
04. Channel Mixer Layer - I am not an expert on with this adjustment layer. I usually just play around with the settings a bit. Under Red channel: Red 110, Green -20, Blue 10, Constant 0; Under Green channel: Red -5, Green 110, Blue 5, Constant -10; Under Blue channel: Red -10, Green -20, Blue 120, Constant 0. The layer is set to Normal at 100%. Screenshots!
I then copy this layer and set the copy to Soft Light at 75% opacity.
05. Curves Layer - Under RGB: Point is 119 > 138; Under Red: Point is 123 > 109; Under Green: Point is 119 > 124; Under Blue: Point is 120 > 137. Layer is set to Normal at 100%. Screenshots!
06. I then duplicate the base and drag it the top. I do nothing but lower it's opacity to 46%.
07. I duplicate the base again and drag it the top. I set it to Screen at 100%. Then I go to Adjust >> One Step Noise Removal. Remember what I said about smoothing everything over when the image is too small? I really like the effect it makes in icons when I use it like this. I'll set the layer to Screen or Soft Light, or sometimes just lower the opacity.
08. Color Balance Layer - I'm fairly sure this is the same in every program, but I'm giving you a screenshot just in case. All I do is change the midtones a bit: -10 0 -10. The layer is set to Normal at 100%.
09. Hue/Saturation/Lightness Layer - Under Master, bump up Saturation to 40. The layer is set to Normal at 65% opacity.
10. Hue/Saturation/Lightness Layer - This time, under Greens Saturation: 20, and under Blues Saturation: 20. The layer is set to Normal at 100%.
11. I copy the Green/Blue Saturation layer twice.
12. Texture - I add this texture
and set it to Soft Light at 85% opacity.
13. Brightness/Contrast Layer - I put brightness at -20 and contrast at 20. I think that adding brightness AND contrast makes the icon TOO contrasted, so I always make the brightness negative when I'm adding one of these layers. This layer is set to Normal at 55%.
14. Texture - I add this texture
and set it to Soft Light at 38% opacity. I think it adds nice orange tones, which contrast nicely with the greens, and therefore make the greens pop more.
15. Curves Layer - Last layer! It's a little too bright, so I add this Curves layer. Under RGB: Point is 141 > 118.
16. Sharpening - This is always my last step. I copy all the layers and paste them at the top. I do this with ctrl + shift + C and then ctrl + L. I go to Adjust >> Sharpness >> Sharpen. I then lower the opacity of this layer to 40%. Done!
I hope you enjoy this little tut! :)
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