That's how one of my friends described my acoustic shows. He said the electric was more frantic. I honestly like the electric shows more personally. But it seems the popular belief is that me mono is better. More passionate and such. I think if this is true then it's probably because I haven't found a drummer or other band member on my level yet. Someone who would let me write and play how I wanted to. But alas I am the king of the comprimise. Although most of the times I'm the sultan of caving in.
Not that I don't like being solo. It's cool because I can just get a call that morning and play that night without much prep time. So yeah... I think I'll take a few of my friends advice and play a strew of solo shows in the coming months. Just to see the reaction. Who knows? Maybe it will finally be the niche that gets the wanted results!
I.E: "Hey man! You sounded pretty cool!"
That would be heavenly... :-)
I'm rebuilding a few friendships. But I'm in a better state of mind now to know that some of the relationships I've had are just not worth my effort. Mainly because that's all I ever put into them. Effort. I love all the people I'm friends with. And the ones I thought liked me too. I can't change my "Like anyone who doesn't hit me" mentality. But I at least can now know that it doesn't mean we can be even great aquaintances. It's helped me out so very much and has made some other people a lot more bearable. Hopefully on both sides of the spectrum. :-)
I'm doing a lot better. Being more realistic. Trying hard. It's tough. But I can't go trying to commit hurting David stuff everytime life falls apart and seems like there's no recovery what so ever. I know I have a few... Probably less true friends. But even in those small amounts are people who I know (And have learned) I can trust with my life. And that means more to me than a whole dive of empty aquaintances. Although I never hang around most of them... I still know there is love there.
Speaking of which... It sucks the way things have turned out between me and a few long time friends and people who mean more. I know that what's happened to me in the past isn't what seperated us. It was merely a reason to break off with me guilt free. Because if that was the sole reason then people like Blake, Tom, Suzi, Sara, and others would have jettisoned me a long time ago.
It sucks that my last housing situation was ruined with a game of "Look at me! I'm a better friend than David is! Here... I'll prove it by following him around and exposing every nook and cranny and showing you how gay and messed up he is compared to me!" It was stupid. And as much as I hate to know this... I know that if they were really 100% in my court they would of known better. But there was never really anything there between me and one of them. And the other probably did like me at one point but chickened out at the thought of a life style change. And Nick is a dick and will hopefully get aids soon.
I hope tonight goes ok... It's one of a few shows I'm gonna do.
15th. St. Tavern at like... 9ish? I go on 11pm I think.
With Little Fyodor and maybe even a surprise visit from Lisa from The Emmas! :-)
Will ya be there?
I've let my hair grow out and it's the longest it's been since I was 8 or 10 years old! I swear I now look just like this guy!
*I'll get a real pic of me up soon... But it's uncanny! But... Without all the makeup...*