We finally made someone's top ten!!!
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=70580665&MyToken=0f01de2f-1a44-461b-9907-b9d71e4c4814 I am very worried about mom... And brother... And stuff...
I also stepped on a rusty razor. I'm getting all puffy and red and hot and... Well... I need to acqire technishot money soon.
Damn me and my having to re-use shaving razors due to my shaving every week! Although that's when I'm sort being vain?
I'm in Strausburg CO right now. And she is home... She was acting funny and didn't wanna go up here. I swear to god if anything happened I will do something so David that... I'll be the optimist... :-\
On the bright side I've been invited to tour with Mister Pacman!!! I think I was? If so he said me and a guitar. I wonder if he likes my solo thingers better than David with a drummer? I hope not... I look dumb playing solo on stage... I get all nervous and scream and play fast and crave a nice little cave to hide in...
Uh.. Since I've stopped drinking social situations are just plain weird now. I sorta miss it... But all I need to do is think of my friends and what I did and look at my mom and brother.
Reality checks probably sting more than that shot I need.
I hope I don't die or something before Saturday. I wouldn't of even had a fighting chance!
Although I do look very svelt with my 15 year old looking face now. B-)
If you're gonna go, go sexy!