Oct 20, 2006 15:27
So any ways... I was on the bus today in the front part (The 44 which takes a good 30-40 minutes to reach downtown) and this pretty attractive woman gets on the bus with two little boys and a little baby girl. All is well until she unbuttons her blouse and takes out her right breast and begins to feed her child. I couldn't help but look a little... I mean... Come on! She pulled it out in public!!!
But in all honesty after the initial shock I turned back to reading my book. Then this elementary school class gets on the bus just three stops after the breast feeding lady got on. And of course they have to sit near the front with their teacher. The teacher begins to really lay it into the breast feading woman (The teacher is also female) about how that's way inappropriate for a public place. The woman defends her right to feed her kid. Mean while the class of 8-10 year olds begin giggling and shouting words like "BOOBIES!!!" and stuff. When an older lady gets on board she also defends the woman's right to feed her baby. But others on the bus take the teachers side if anything because the elementary school class is obviously soaking in the nudity.
The bus driver mean while is at a total loss as of what to do... He says he has to phone this in to see what to do. But the breast feeding lady and some of the passengers threaten to put a comlaint in on him if he does. But on the other hand the other passengers are threatening to also put a bad report on him if he doesn't do something about the situation.
Luckily I was able to get off at my stop pretty much before all hell was about to break loose.
In my opinion I think that breast feeding is probably the most healthy way to raise a child. It's been shown that breast fed children are healthier, get sick less often, and are far more fit and at a healthy weight with normal appetites than their bottle fed counterparts.
Yet I do feel that perhaps there are certain places that you shouldn't really expose yourself in such a manner... I think the situation would probably have been less severe if there weren't kids around. I suppose it's really a matter of the right time, right place. But I honestly don't know. I'm the last person (By choice I mind you) who would ever tell or suggest anyone do ANYTHING with their bodies and their children that they don't wanna do. Regardless. But I do think there should be lines drawn right?
Oh man... I feel like a bastard for sort of feeling like she should have maybe waited till she was in a little more private area to do that. I wasn't disgusted by it. Far far from it. It was just that there were little kids around. And old ladies. And a large number of people in general. And her own kids were staring at her while she was doing it!
I really do feel bad for feeling this way. But I babysit my niece and her friends quite often and I used to volunteer for day care facilities and honestly I just really feel strongly about not exposing young children to stuff like that. At that age they should sort of feel like they are in a safe environment where violence and sex are years away from being introduced. I know it wasn't a sexual scenario, but it obviously gave these kids enough thought to say boobies and stuff. It's not too far fetched to think that even though they're that young, they'll still try to investigate further into the matter. And the more they grow up before their bodies do, the less of a childhood they'll have.
That's just what I think though... What do you people think? I'm honestly at a loss here. :-..
I don't want to infringe on people's rights. But then again other people's rights were infringed upon when this happened.
I think? I hope I worded this whole thing right... I really do not intend this to be a one sided opinion of mine. Hopefully you have read that I do see both sides. Although I do have more of a set mind on one of them. But that's human to have a certain philosophy. As I said it probably wouldn't of been any big deal if there weren't children around. I know I wouldn't of really minded. I would of just returned to my enthralling biography on The Beatles.
What are your thoughts? I'm just curious as to what other people think of this subject?
~David / The Milkshakes