Nov 14, 2007 10:36
You know I stop and think life is really good, I know I complain a lot about petty stuff. But I love my life, I never thought a person could be as happy as I am. Tyler and I are wonderful we made 4 years, we have had our ups and downs but we have made it and I think we are more in love now than ever. I have a good job, a good family, even though they know how to work my nerves, and an awesome man. I look forward to my life with him. I just look forward to life. I think I am even more paranoid about my safety now because life is so good I don’t want it to leave me.
Just a little shout out of how I love my life.
This weekend was awesome, I left work Friday about 1230 or so, Went to Houston, stayed until 615 yesterday morning. I had such a good time, I just like spending time with my honey. On Monday I got to play house wife, I took him to school did laundry dishes had lunch with him baked cookies ran errands picked him up from school, made dinner… its weird I never (Read: NO WAY IN HELL) thought that was a role not only I could do, but that I would enjoy doing for someone. And he appreciates it so much. That makes it all worth it. I kind look forward to the day I can stay at home and take care of him. ß I feel a little weird saying that….
Yesterday I went to the dentist to get my retainer. Got it, hate it. I am back to talking like I have a speech impediment, which is good because I ANSWER PHONES ALL FLIPPIN DAY!
let me wipe the sarcasm from my fingertips.
Well today I have to take a test with my online class, and I read some post that others think we have WAY too much assignments in this class… makes me smirk that I am not the only one who feels so.
Well today is Wednesday and that means a lot of work to-do.
Lindy I haven’t abandoned wooden boogers I just couldn’t remember the log in… Doh!