Havent you heard that I'm the new cancer?

Jun 12, 2007 08:13


I wrote 2 blogs yesterday… neither of them posted…

Oh the anger, I am not very witty to begin with… but when you ask me to recreate the little bit of HAHA that I had in there… its just not gonna happen… so lets make it short and sweet…

Ate a whole watermelon all by myself in less than 12 hours, THE WHOLE DAMN THING. Worked out, kicked my butt. Went to the OBGYN place for my wellness exam yesterday… yuck. My sister should be in town tomorrow, I hope my family enjoys that and kyle gets to see his momma and baby brother.

And well that was about it… wow, I cant believe that was it… I made a whole blog on that… any who… moving on to today…

Boss man will be out most of today and tomorrow… fun times…

I have laundry to do tonight… no love. I loathe laundry. We all know this… lets move on.

I went last night and bought myself a “salad” from mazzios. I don’t know if I have ever described one of my salads to any of you…

I wont eat lettuce or tomatoes or and of that healthy stuff… so what I do is build one like this…bottom to top…

Black olives
And then all the little stuff like bacon bits, croutons and what not… then ranch….

Ta da you have a Lila salad.

I might be leaving something off but you get the point…
I ate half of it last night, and the other half will be devoured come noon time.

So Maria called me last night just to see how things were going for me, She knew I have been having some difficult times going on… I really enjoy our friendship this go around, she has changed so much. I think this very well may have been the first “hey how you doing?” phone call I have gotten from her the whole time we have been friends, even from back in high school… she makes me smile.

So back to my sister coming to town, I have mixed feelings about this… not that my opinion matters one way or another… (damn, I have the hiccups… grrr) I think it’s a great thing that kyle will be able to see her and the baby. I think she will have some questions to answer for kyle, and I can only hope she fights the urge to do what she does best and lie to him… I think everyone is excited to see her, even myself I guess a little bit, but I would bet money that the first 5 mins of me seeing her I will be ready to go. Sad but true. My grandma is so excited… my mom is too I guess, she is going to take off Thursday and Friday.

Moving on.

I was a little bummed out last night; I let things get to me… I have too many pictures up, not too many period, just too many that make me sad. And some in my phone, that’s what did it, I was looking at my phone and was going to delete some pictures and came across one. And a video, it makes me giggle, I can’t get rid of it… never regret anything that made you smile.

Well its off to do work for me, I have just a smidgen of work to do then I am sure out of bordem I will be back.

Lick your toes and say your prayers.
Love you
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