its got to be credible

Jan 13, 2009 07:27

1.  I can not get out of bed.  Its not even that I'm still tired, I just don't want to get out of bed.  This has been happening since my break, and I don't feel that bad, because I'm almost always the first person at work, so obviously everyone else has the same issue.

2.  I'm thinking of becoming a bone marrow donor.  I can't donate blood because of how much I weigh (or don't weigh) also because I have a couple tattoos, but I've been checking out the National Marrow Donor Program, and it looks like those things won't be an issue (potentially, they don't have any minimum weight, but they don't want anyone "under weight" but I don't think I'm under weight for my height.  Am I?)

3.  So, we got fish again.  And again, they all died.  I honestly don't know what the issue is any more.  I have done everything I have ever done.  I've had fish for  a long time and never has this ever happened.  They're good for like two days, then BAM it's like they have a horrible outbreak of the ick. we put ick stuff in the water, we put "stress coat" in the water, we put this "stress coat salt" in the water.  I change a tiny bit of the water every three days, I checked the water for too much amonia (they're gold fish).  I do everything I can, and yet they float around looking like they're covered in grossness, because they are covered in grossness.  Screw this, I'm geting a hamster.

4.  I have not gone to Pilates in a long time.  I need to go, I need to go tonight and Thursday.  I need to get off my ass and out of my house.  Need to.

5. I'm thinking of going to Belgium for spring break.  I dont' know if I can get the time.  I don't know if I should take the time since EVERYONE IS GETTING MARRIED AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. I have to use at least 6-7 days vacation in the summer due to weddings. If you get engaged, congrats.  I'm not coming.  I'll send you a card.

<3 <3 <3 b

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