May 31, 2010 22:33
So, today my brother and I get our bathing suits on, get out pool floats and noodles, stuff for barbecuing hot dogs and head to the apartment pool. It's locked shut. Well, damn. So we venture with some hope of finding parking at the river, no luck. Come home and wind up barbquing hot dogs at the other BBQ pit not in the pool area. Have to drag the picnic table to the shade, and cook our food watching other people make their way to the pool, only to discover it is locked. WHY LOCK THE POOL NOW!! OF ALL DAYS, MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND? WHY??? I wanted to go swimming. Grrr. I feel sorry for the family with five or six kids wearing arm floats and everything that had to turn around and go back home. Now how do you keep them entertained.
After food we get back inside, bored with nothing to do but stare at our not wet bathing suits hanging in the bathroom. We decided to venture into Austin. My day gets better after I find all of Esca Flowne at Half-Price Books for $4.98 a disk, and 20% off that. WOOOT!!! They also had the third disk to Kiddy Grade for the same price. Half-Price wins.
Edit: I am made of Fail!!! I didn't get disk 4 because I thought I had it. Turns out I have disk 3. So now I have it all of Esca Flowne except disk 4. Now, is it worth driving all the way back to Austin for it?