Jan 05, 2012 23:53

- So like, Sherlock. I don't even know you guys. I enjoyed the first season a lot, although I remembered very little of it. I snapped up the first ep of the 2nd season anyway, watched it... and then watched it again an hour after I'd finished. Then, a day later! I watched it AGAIN with Dave. XD;

Idk, I had a lot of problems with the episode, which I won't get into because I JUST WANT TO SMOOSH THEIR ADORABLE FACES uh, well, BORING b/c everyone else has already enumerated every problem I had with it, so I'm just wasting my breath, butttt... Watching a show 3 times in 2 days is not normal behavior for me, is all I'm sayin'! WTF, did they lace this new season with pure crack?

(Yes. Yes they did.)

(Actually, I feel compelled to note that something approximating romantic interest between Sherlock and Irene is not actually one of my problems with it. I get why so many of you hate this! I really do! But... Look, okay, that type of thing is one of my most hardcore fictional kinks, ngl. XD;)

eta: Oh! I nearly forgot. A conversation:

Me: Benedict Cumberbatch. Why is his face?

Dave: Benedict Cumberbash?

Me: Cumberbatch.

Dave: Benedict Cumberbatch. I bet his real name's George.

Me: No, that's his name. The best name for that face, really...

Dave: Wait, who is Benedict Cumberbatch?

Me: Sherlock! He plays Sherlock!

Dave: ...Oh. I thought he must be some improbably-named character in the show...

Me: ...No, that's his... actual name...

- In unrelated non-news, I have had this laptop for nearly a month now and I still can't figure out a name for it. D: All I know is it's metallic, purple-tinted, and female. (My old laptop is male. Look, don't ask me, they just are, okay.)

- Speaking of completely irrational animistic thinking, the other day I was taking a walk through my neighborhood, looked at a building I was walking by and thought to myself, "I wonder if all the residents in that building are friends, their cars look so friendly with each other!" It took a good 20 or 30 seconds for me to even note it as a strange thought.

comments on dreamwidth

!tv, omgyey, !tv: sherlock (bbc)

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