Been a long time

Aug 15, 2014 16:50

Where have I been? What have I been doing?
  • Work - though in a different location very close to home. No more cab rides to & from the office. No more working at home. The work load has fluctuated wildly over the last month. Since the past couple of weeks have been insanely busy, I have to do some overtime this weekend.
  • Home - trying to sort through all the boxes and release the stuck stuff that no longer serves me. This is a struggle - I knew it would be.
  • Vacation - spent almost two weeks in New Mexico at the end of May. Wonderful to visit friends and soak in the desert and mountains. (Ironically, I did very well with the sun there and got sunburned here the weekend I arrived home.) It was great to fly out of the local airport too.
  • Writing - been rewriting and revising and trying to find my way back to the land of the fantasy novels. Lately, I've been writing spicy romances. I'm still on track with my goal of sending out a submission per month.
There has also been a lot of thinking and dreaming and wondering. Some planning and decision making.

One short term goal is to actually post here more often. It's my space. I've paid for it. I should probably use it.  :-)
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