Some things make a post

Aug 06, 2012 18:18

1) I keep mentioning this because I didn't know we had them here. I have a visitor on my 4th floor balcony. A praying mantis. She appears to be napping upside down under the chair she was climbing in the picture.

2) I have hit the point in my unpacking where I open the lid, look inside, groan and close it again. Maybe I need to plan a housewarming or something to make me finish.

3) I'm taking part in I'm pretty far behind on word count, especially considering I'll be away this coming weekend and don't know how much writing I'll manage.

4) I'm still fundraising for the Stephen Lewis Foundation. If you'd like to back a great organization (and force me to write more), please check out this link:

5) Hmm. There doesn't appear to be a fifth item.

year of dam busting, praying mantis!, fundraising, moving, writing

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