Vacation time is almost over

Jan 04, 2009 19:07

I spent the last week of my vacation visiting friends and writing.

It was wonderful to catch up with rollingalong. And dolphin__girl!! Sending lots of hugs your way. We need to find a way to mail them.

I tweaked ksumnersmith's idea of this being the Year of Possibility to being the Year of Fulfillment. Personal, professional, creative - many things I wish to complete to get me "unstuck" and new things I want to try.

As to the writing - I set myself a goal of 500 words a day for the 5 days I was there. (Since I haven't written much in the past 2 years - seriously - I felt that was very achievable.) Since my final word count was 6,030, I'd say it was successful outing.

year of fulfillment, vacation, writing

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