May 29, 2014 18:50
We won't talk to you, because you're being emotional, because you aren't listening, because you won't stop denying that you're the problem, just like all other men. We don't like the idea that you've confessed you're the problem, because we know it's not true. In fact, we're offended by the idea that you acknowledge you're the problem...because we actually know you're not the problem. That doesn't matter. So...since we won't talk to you, and since we're not about to actually say those words that you long to hear, we'll do this instead. We'll fill our twitter feeds and FB postings with messages you're sure to get. The ones that say "you still don't understand" or "if you'd solve this problem it would solve lots of problems that you have too" or even "it's time to get rid of the people in your life who aren't helping you."
Yup, not only do I not listen, I apparently don't read either. Except I DO listen...and I DO read. I also hurt. A lot. But my hurt is nothing compared to your hurt, and it wouldn't matter anyway. My list of former friends is long...and without exception, in every single case, it's always been my fault. It always will be. That's why I've specifically stated that there will be no funeral service and no memorial service when I'm gone. I don't want to think about the idea that a bunch of people who didn't give a rat's ass about me while I was around and felt I was utterly worthless were getting together to mourn my passing. I'll save them all the trouble of faking that. It will just be easier that way.
Now, I'm going to jump back into the bowl of M&M's that YOU put me in and join the other 90% that aren't poisoned. I think I'll wiggle down to the bottom where I'm less likely to raise the ire of those considering the bowl and its implications.