Jul 13, 2013 17:58

Or, a tale in which I fail at fandom.

I haven't written anything in monthssssssssssss and I wish to remedy that. So if anyone wants ANYTHING- meta, fic, whatever- prompt it and I will write it.

Super broad, super specific, whatever. DO ITTTTTT PLEASE.


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I AM GOOD AND YOU woobloo July 17 2013, 01:32:43 UTC
UGH YOUR ICON. It basically says all you need to know about Buffy/Spike ("Spuffy" sounds like Saccharine/Fluffy to my ears.... blechhhhhhhh). Or, at least, the platonic side.

Because Buffy is alone for most of the later seasons. Her friends bring her back, but she is so changed, and it's palpable, this atmosphere of separation that surrounds her. She feels broken and she hates herself and she hates living and she has no joy anymore.

But then there is Spike, and she finds a camaraderie with him that is fucked up and wonderful. He accepts her, adores her, idolizes her completely, but he is a vampire (only a vampire can love her.) She sees him as being inhuman (which..... technically) and as someone whom she could never hurt because of that, but that means that the only person she can find solace with is a person who is not a person, who has no soul.

It's so mutually destructive, so unhealthy, that in many ways the ending was inevitable, at least from a narrative perspective (the ending to s6). But ugh, he loved her without his soul, and she hated that the only one she felt any closeness with was a soulless creature (she came back wrong, you know.)

I wasn't part of the fandom then and am very much a Buffy newbie, so I'm wary of saying too much that's already been said (I'm guessing everything's already been said lbr.) BUT GAWD THOSE TWO. OTP for always.


ever_neutral July 17 2013, 12:06:46 UTC
WORD UP on your hate for "Spuffy", kill it with fire.

And +1 to all your other thoughts too! These two were my ~formative~ ship for mutual destruction, ngl. WELCOME TO THE FANDOM, you will be very at home here. :D


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