(no subject)

Sep 13, 2010 14:47

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Case
OOC Journal: technophile
Under 18? n
Email/IM: semeface
Characters Played at Singularity: Terry McGinnis/Batman, BLU Pyro

Character Information ;
Name: WALL-E
Name of Canon: WALL-E
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WALL-E
Canon Point: Pre-canon


Earth, 2800 AD. It's full of garbage and nearly uninhabitable (the first sign of renewed life is found by WALL-E 700 years after the humans' departure) and totally abandoned for that very reason. WALL-E is the last of a swarm of trash-compacting robots sent to clean up Earth -- a failed mission that humanity also abandoned centuries ago. All the humans are off in space aboard a giant spaceship, which WALL-E has never seen.

WALL-E spends his days carrying out his directive, which is to collect and compact trash, to make room for humanity's return to Earth.


WALL-E is the sweetest, kindest, loneliest robot you will ever meet. He's friendly, always willing to help you, curious about new things and people, a weird kind of optimist, and has been stranded on Earth, totally and completely and entirely alone, for the past 700 years. Needless to say he'll be fascinated by any sign of other-intelligence that isn't a cockroach, even if it's shooting lasers in his face, and probably try to befriend it. Desperately.

BUT YEAH WALL-E is kind of like a little kid. Gets excited easily, gets scared easily, is fascinated by things he's never seen before. His AI is intelligent, in a childlike way. He learns quickly and his capability for spontaneity and creativity is nearly boundless. He has the childish lack of fear of things (like EVE) until they positively demonstrate antipathy (like shooting lasers in his face), but until then, his curiosity will drive him forward. And even when they're shooting at him, he's capable of being really brave and determined -- y'know, if he has a reason for it. If it's just him, he'll box up like a terrified turtle and shake in his treads.

ANYWAY WALL-E totally has feelings. Like, genuine Disney ones, which is probably weird for a robot. He starts caring about things extremely easily (demonstrate kindness toward him and he'll be your friend forever) and isn't the type to give up on friendships (even if you're totally catatonic and he has to cart you around on a string of Christmas lights). Get angry, kick him around, abandon him, and he'll follow after and wait for you like the saddest robot puppy on Earth (which he is, because he's the only one). WALL-E is totally pathetic and lonely like that.

He's not very good at socialization (YKNOW BEING ABANDONED FOR 700 YEARS AND ALL). Everything he knows, he knows from TV, not having been around humans or other AI at all ever. His favorite tape is the one of Hello Dolly but he's probable he has others that he's found in the trash. So he's a little awkward (READ: RANKS UP THERE WITH ORIGINAL AWKWARD TURTLE) when actually TRYING to befriend people -- mainly he'll try to fit the situation into the media he's seen and imitate what the humans did -- but that doesn't mean he won't try. He's somewhat more comfortable around other robots and AI, but lots of those make him feel kind of insecure too, being a rusted 700 year old TRASH BOT and everything.

RANDOM OTHER THINGS: he has a pet cockroach, who he feeds and cares for. He likes watching TV and listening to music -- he has a VCR player and an iPod. He collects random things he likes and is always storing things away to add to his collection. He canonly only speaks English.

its fucking wall-e i dont even

Abilities and Weaknesses:

- Can't talk lol
- He's about a foot tall as a box, two feet fully extended

+ Has a laser
+ Extremely durable (capable of withstanding extreme pressure and heat)
+ Easily repairable
+ Very strong and fast! ...you know, for a 1 foot robot

1 cockroach
1 empty toolbox
1 slightly malfunctioning bracelet that will translate things strangely, or translate them even if he doesn't want it to


WALL-E looks like a miniature, compact version of Johnny 5. He's rectangular all over, has two treads for legs, and two arms with flat fingers and opposable thumbs. All he has for a face is two big eyes. There's a BnL logo on his front, along with the WALL-E one. He can duck his legs, arms, and head into his box to hide.

Age: 700 years old lol

Samples ;

Log Sample:

He hasn't blinked, because robots can't blink.

WALL-E activates the little wipers on his eyes just in case anyway, but the junkyard he's arrived in still looks the same. A different junkyard from the one he's been working at on Earth. Or maybe it's still Earth, just somewhere he's never been?

What happened?

His memory files still read clear -- it's not a corruption in his AI, he's pretty sure. He was just depositing another cube of trash onto the biggest tower he's made so far, a thousand feet above the ground -- and then suddenly, everything changed and he was here. On the ground. Somewhere else. No time lapse, no indication of movement, nothing. Maybe he's been teleported by humans somehow? To a new planet that needed cleaning?

He whirrs uneasily and looks around, trying to identify where he is by the trash around him. How strange, none of it is the usual junk he's used to -- almost all of it is new and interesting, which is strange even for a different region. And there's something else that's really strange about this place --

BnL. There are no BnL logos anywhere. But ALL humans were with BnL. Weren't they? He makes a quiet whistling noise, but there's no response. He tries again. No response. But that's just to be expected anyway, isn't it? There hasn't been anybody around for 700 years. It makes sense -- why should they be anywhere he's sent, if it's more abandoned places?

There's a squeak from inside his compactor box and his cockroach squirms its way out and climbs up onto his head, its antennae twitching rapidly in the air, and well, that's a good thing. At least he isn't totally alone. WALL-E rolls slowly over to the nearest mound of junk, looking up at it in awe. So many things he's never seen. Look at that thing over there, what is it? Oh, there's another one, maybe he can start a collection...

Did they mean for him to clean all this up, too?

And then WALL-E stayed for 3 days in the junkyard cleaning up trash.

Network Sample:

[The video clicks on then off then on again as the little robot in sight pokes at the bracelet around one of its arms. There are a few beeping noises, then the hologram console shows up and it reels back in surprise.]

[Then looks curiously at the hologram display and makes a curious bleeping noise. Which the bracelet translates.]



[The robot looks surprised again, then repeats the same bleep.]


[Oh! Oh!! The little robot shakes a little in excitement. Is somebody there? Is somebody talking to him? Oh! What does it say? What does it say? It needs to say something! Quickly, before whoever's on the other side leaves! Where are you, mystery friend?]

[It taps at itself several times, rapidly, then stretches out its neck, trying to form the proper sounds.]



[Yes!! It knows its name!! The robot makes a happy whistling noise -- which the bracelet translates, of course.]

i am excited and happy to meet you


[...somebody should probably stop him before this goes on forever.]
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