Dec 17, 2007 02:31
I saw a strange cat today in a mirror. I was on my cat tree in the bedroom and my mom closed the door. Suddenly there it was, sitting on my cat tree, where the door used to be. Half of its face was shaved and its eye was sewn shut. There was another shaved patch on its throat. And it had shaved forelegs, just like mine . . .
Hey . . . wait a minute . . . just . . . like . . . mine . . .
Hey, that was ME! In the mirror! And that was my mom! She was petting me and petting that cat in the mirror! But there was no other cat. It was just me! Wow, this is confusing.
What's the deal with this mirror stuff anyway? It is quite perplexing. The only explanation I can think of is that the bedroom door is really a portal into another dimension. When it's open, the universe is normal. When it's shut, though, it activates the mirror and a parallel universe is formed.
It is a universe without smell, though, because I went up to the portal and saw the other cat, but it had no smell at all.
I wonder if it smelled me, though?
This is a very mysterious world.