Aug 16, 2014 10:38
I would like to say that I was shocked by Robin Williams' suicide, but I have always seen the sadness behind his eyes. It's there behind the eyes of many comedians, as a group, they have a fairly high suicide/self destruct ratio.
Shortly after my own mother's suicide, I went to see a movie starring Robin Williams called "What Dreams May Come". I was not aware of the theme of the movie, only that it was being praised for it's amazing special effects. I was stunned to find out that the central theme was not only about the redemption after death of a suicide, but also there was a scene where there was a funeral with the exact same casket that I had picked out for my mother. This was not a common model, it was an all wood casket with carved handles that I hadn't seen before or since. The movie has haunted me ever since, and it was the first thing I thought of when I learned of Robin's death.
I hope he is at peace, and not in the lonely and desolate grey land depicted in the movie. My own recent battles with panic and anxiety have given me a much clearer and more compassionate view of that grey wasteland. Day in, day out suffering can drive you down roads that you never thought you would take.