Aug 25, 2006 00:20
Why do people act differnt around other people? ..whats the point of it..i mean..are they trying to be cool or just being wierd or what? just makes you seem like a total bitch or asshole ..but not trying to say i dont do it or never have..cause im sure we've all done it at one point in time..but why??...why cant everyone just be themselves 100% of the time? ...Im pretty bored thinking alot again..maybe..if i think brain will become more..i and it'll help me take in more information and be smart about it? lol..a theory...maybe??...maybe not?? ..okay then lol
Another thing i noticed is that..everyone talks about matter where you go or who you hang out with..someone is going to be talking about somebody else....once again not saying i've never done it..anyone who says they've never talked about anyone in there no wonder this town or well anywhere for that based on mostly rumours..or people talking shit about everything and everyone..god i hate this place..
anyways...i think i've done enough of this thinking thing for one night..
night everyoneee! xo Love <3