Aug 11, 2009 03:10
... What... happened? I remember I fell asleep in that Ishbalen Refugee Camp... And I know this isn't the same place I fell asleep. I was definitely sleeping in a tent, and that is most certainly a roof above my head... and the ground was really hard last night, but somehow I woke up in a pretty comfy bed...
Did I sleep walk? No, that can't be. I don't have weird habits like sleep walking... I hope not. But even if it was sleep walking, this is just ridiculous! I must have walked more in my sleep than I did in a whole day!
Aaahh... This is all just way too confusing... Well, I should probably start by figuring out whose house I'm in... This is going to be embarrassing. I can't believe I woke up in a stranger's house...
[ Winry picks up a photo from the nightstand near her and examines it. ]
... A family portrait? What a happy looking family... They look like nice enough people... Yeah, don't be so worried, Winry. I'm sure they'll understand, even if you don't...
Wait a second...
[ She notices herself in the picture. ]
That's.... ME?! Wh-What the heck? This isn't my family! How did I get in their family portrait?! [ She looks down and realizes her clothes have changed too; she's in pajamas from sleeping ] M-M-MY CLOTHES HAVE CHANGED!!! Who changed my clothes? WHY? AAAH! This is getting really really creepy REALLY REALLY fast! I just need to grab my supplies bag and get out of here before I meet the creeps who did this... MY BAG IS GONE! What's going on here?!