MIINAH (Pretty Woman Revisited)

Feb 14, 2012 19:34

Title: MIINAH (Pretty Woman Revisited) P. 3

Authors: wonsu_garkyub and bl4ckm4lice

Characters: Kyuhyun, Donghae, Siwon, Kangin

Pairings: KyuHae friendship; WonKyu romantic

Rating: PG-13; rating could progress as the story goes along

Summary: Orphan Kyuhyun thought that he only needed to come up with money for his last term in school plus the graduation expenses and he’ll be on his merry way to looking for a job until he received a notice that a very long overdue house mortgage is threatening him with the loss of the only thing left for him by his parents…

Part 1

Part 2

“So, Kyuhyun,” Siwon began their conversation when the appetizers arrived. “Tell me about yourself.”

Kyuhyun tensed visibly and chose to glue his eyes to the salad in front of him.

“Come on,” Siwon coaxed again. “It’s pretty hard for two strangers to talk when we don’t know anything about each other.”

“Then why don’t you do it?” Kyuhyun said as he looked straight at Siwon, suddenly feeling less intimidated and more confident. Perhaps it was the kind smile from the man in front of him. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”

The older man raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised but also amused at the same time. So the boy wasn’t all shyness and blushes. It only attracted him even more. “Well, I’m just your regular employee. I come here sometimes to unwind. But I’ve never seen you around. First time coming here?”

“You can say that. My friend took me here.”

“And left you there by yourself?”

“He has work to do,” Kyuhyun looked down again, wondering if Siwon had guessed about Donghae’s line of work- which was actually about to become Kyuhyun’s as well. “And actually, so do I.”

There was a slight pang of disappointment inside Siwon, though he still couldn’t believe it. Sure, Kyuhyun’s friend had that suave aura that attracted… how do you call them? Clients? But Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun was attractive alright, though in a whole different way. He exuded this cluelessness and reeked of inexperience. But Siwon wouldn’t know, would he? After all he had just met the boy today.

“Am I keeping you from work?” Siwon asked softly.

“I’m not sure,” Kyuhyun shifted uncomfortably. “To be honest, it’s kind of my first day.”

Funny how easy it was for the boy to play with his emotions without even realizing it. Siwon was practically overflowed with relief, never thought for once that Kyuhyun was lying. Maybe he was supposed to be more skeptical towards the boy who was a complete stranger to him. After all, he was trained to be skeptical since he was very young. But how could he be skeptical towards that innocent face?

The main course came and Siwon just had to hold back his chuckle at seeing the hungry look on the boy’s face. Kyuhyun dug into his food right away while Siwon watched, until Kyuhyun realized the stare. He looked up and blushed, “What?”

“Nothing,” Siwon smiled and began to eat his own food.

‘This man is strange,’ Kyuhyun thought. But he couldn’t help but be drawn to him. Siwon just looked so nice, so gentle… so out of his reach. It was a wonder why Siwon even wanted to talk to him, moreover treated him with dinner. Would Donghae scold him for accepting a stranger’s invitation? But then again, his supposedly new job actually required him to go with strangers...

The empty plates were replaced with dessert, which also served as a reminder that their dinner would end soon. That their time together would end soon.

“Any chance of you quitting your job?” Siwon suddenly asked.

“...Before I even begin? I don’t think so,” the younger man bit his lip. Before he knew it, the next words poured out of his mouth, “I need the money.” He blinked, wondering why did he let that slip in front of a man he just met. Reflexively, he searched for any sign of Siwon depreciating him --a sneer, a scoff, anything-- but he found none.

Instead, Siwon had this thoughtful look on his face and said, “What if I tell you I have a job opening?”

He would’ve choked if he had food on his mouth. “W-what?” He almost thought it was a joke, but Siwon looked serious. “Are you...?”

“I’m offering you a job,” Siwon said, almost in disbelief with himself but without even an inch of hesitation. “If you’re willing.”

“But,” Kyuhyun swallowed, hoping so badly that this wasn’t just a bad joke, “but you don’t even know me.”

That was true. And Siwon didn’t care. All he wanted was to see Kyuhyun again. “A personal assistant. My personal assistant,” Siwon said. He couldn’t miss the tense and nervous expression on Kyuhyun’s face, so he hurriedly add. “Look, you don’t have to answer right now. You...” he gulped, feeling as nervous, “You can think about it. Meet me again here, tomorrow, if you decide to accept my offer.”

“But... but why?” There were so many questions behind it-- topping them was why would Siwon offer a job to someone who wouldn’t even give him his family name.

Feeling that ‘I don’t know’ wouldn’t be a satisfying answer, Siwon opted to avoid the question and said, “Just think about it.”

The last ten minutes of their dinner were silent. At the end, Siwon took him back to the spot where Donghae left him. Coincidentally, Donghae was already there, waiting for him and raising his eyebrows at the sight of Kyuhyun with a tall man.

Siwon just nodded at him, smiling at Kyuhyun, and left.

“...Okay?” Donghae said, unsure.

“This would sound absurd,” Kyuhyun said. “But he just offered me a job.”

“...You mean a job, like my job, or...”

“No,” Kyuhyun took a deep breath.

“Who is he?”

“I don’t know.”

“But you want to take that job.”

“Stop me,” Kyuhyun half-pleaded, looking lost.

Donghae stared at him and blinked. “I want complete story. We’re going home.”


“That’s just really it. He just asked me to have dinner with him, saying he doesn’t want his reservation to go to waste. Nothing more, nothing less.” Kyuhyun tells Donghae as they got off the bus.

“But why would he invite you to come with him if he’s not interested in you?” The older one says.

Kyuhyun continued walking while searching his memory of his first meeting with Siwon.

“I don’t know. He never said anything that would indicate he’s THAT kind of ‘interested ‘ in me. He didn’t even know what work I was talking about and he didn’t insist on knowing.” He naively answered. “He just asked me if I could quit my job because he wants to offer me one. As his Personal Assistant.”

“I suggest you accept the offer. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about you.”

“Why should I? We don’t know each other. He just offered it to me out of the blue.”

“Then think of it as just some random newspaper ad you came across.  You don’t usually know the person who offers the job in those ads.”

“Should I really?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Aish, kid! Why so doubtful? If I were you, I’d be thanking all the saints in heaven by now for keeping me away from the dirty job my friend is in.” Donghae said as they continued walking.

“Don’t say that.”

“Why shouldn’t I? I’m in a dirty job am I not?”

“Are you mad at me? I won’t accept it if it would make you upset.” Kyuhyun said falling behind Donghae.

“No I’m not.” Donghae stopped walking and looked  back at Kyuhyun and sighed. “Look, you don’t know how relieved I am that instead of finding a ‘client’, you found someone willing to give you a job even if he still hasn’t seen your credentials.”

“Then I think I should prepare one when we get home.” Kyuhyun tagged Donghae and started running.


Choi Siwon was trained to handle the family business from the time he started school up to his graduation in college when his parents held a party  not just to commemorate his stellar finish (magna cum laude in Business Administration) but also to officially turn over the handling of “the Corporation” to him. Siwon knows that he should be grateful for being born in this environment with nothing to worry where his next meal will come from (owns several grocery stores and restaurants) or where he could stay for the night (has houses in every major city in Korea plus sole ownership of one or two 5-star hotels). He had been running the Corporation for almost three years now and many people believe that he’s been doing well, added to the fact that he is charming and kind hearted. But since he started he hasn’t taken a leave or vacation and handling of business matters is never stress free just like today when he’d only want to get out of the conference room filled with people wagging folders in front of his face. Right now, he just feel so burdened. So alone and lonely. He tried to find his right-hand man/lawyer/college friend Kim Young-Woon also known as Kangin. Somebody said he went out of the room to answer a phone call.

Siwon thought for a while then immediately got up and headed for the door.

“Where are you going Mr. Choi?” and “Are we going to cancel the meeting, sir?” Was asked of him when they saw him move to the door while putting on his coat again. But he never answered any of them. He just headed straight to the private elevator and pressed “B”. Yeah. He just wanted to get out of there.

Good thing he has the car key. He knows how to drive, but most of the time somebody drives for him. It’s either Kangin or a personal assistant.  From childhood he always had a chauffeur.  And that’s the only problem with him. He doesn’t know how to go to other places because he doesn’t pay much attention on the way to and from school then, much less the way between work and home now.

He only thought about getting out and away from the office.

Siwon’s life is in turmoil. Yeah, he’s doing a great job as the new company president even at his young age. That already is an edge but since he’d known the family business from he was a child, he always knew what the company needs and what it doesn’t. He knew he couldn’t suggest it easily even if they own the company. The businesses were at least doing okay. But this was before the expansions and the merging. So he waited for his time. He studied hard and he did good in school.

His life is in turmoil because recently, the elders of the family (his parents and grandparents from both sides plus aunts and uncles of all sorts) have been talking about setting him up for marriage.

They said this is a good time since he’s doing great at the company he should now turn his attention to his lovelife.

(“What fucking lovelife are they talking about??! I don’t even have a fucking life of my own! Fuck all of them if they ever do set me up for a fucking marriage that I don’t want. Nobody among them knows me anymore. I don’t even know me anymore. I am tired of this fucking life!”) He said all of this in his fucking head while he smilingly greet all his relatives last night, as they all sat down at the huge dining table at the Choi mansion, because he is not the type of person who curses when he’s mad or pissed off. He’d most likely just walk away than verbally abuse every person or things that get in his way. That’s why he’s also known as “Mr. Cool”.

What no one knew was the fact that his lack of interest towards marriage wasn’t solely because work overwhelmed him.

It was because he was not interested in women.

His mind fled to the young man from yesterday. The young, awkwardly attractive man named Kyuhyun.

So obviously his motive wasn’t so pure that he would help a stranger to get a job, especially since the job was as his very own personal assistant.

But he hadn’t been selfish when his father taught him how to become his successor since a very young age, taking away all the laughter normal kids enjoyed.

He hadn’t been selfish either when he missed all the parties normal college students went to, since he had been an apprentice in his father’s company outside his classes.

He hadn’t even been selfish all his life.

So he allowed himself to be selfish a bit, and for the first time in his position, he hired someone by himself. Well, would hire, to be exact, since Kyuhyun had yet to say yes. He knew no one would question it. After all, he was the new company president and it was normal for him to have a personal assistant.

As he drove to the place he met him yesterday, Siwon felt like a child again, when he used to pray. He hadn’t prayed for a long time. Now he prayed that Kyuhyun would show up.


Donghae is still yawning as he lazily scratches his butt cheek when he came out of his room. He found Kyuhyun at the dining table writing up something. He must have been so concentrated that he doesn’t notice his friend creeping up on him. He gave a jump when Donghae touched his shoulder, wanting to see what he was writing.

“Ah, a resume.” Donghae then snatched the paper from Kyuhyun to read it better.

“Hmm, kinda impressive, but shouldn’t you add my name as one of your character references?” he said smirking at his dongsaeng.

“Sure, give that back to me and I’ll write you in. How should I put in your job description…” Kyuhyun took the paper back and made a show of writing something “…entertainer of little old ladies.” He looked up to see Donghae staring open-mouthed at him.

“Oh no, no, no…” Kyuhyun said suddenly standing up and coming over to Donghae. “..I didn’t mean that, Hyung!”

Donghae blinked his eyes to try and stop the tears that were coming.  “That’s a cute way of describing my job. You could really put that in you know.”

“I’m sorry! That was insensitive of me.” Kyuhyun was fidgeting with his pen.

“No. You’re just being your truthful self. Excuse me, I have to got to the bathroom.”

Donghae came out a few minutes later, refreshed and surprised to find Kyuhyun outside the bathroom door holding up a note saying “I’ll never be tactless again, promise!” and in small letters he added, “What should I do for you to forgive me?”

Donghae couldn’t help but laugh, “Just do a good interview and get that job!”

They decided to go again together since Kyuhyun will meet up with Siwon at the bar where they first met. Donghae hang out with Kyuhyun [while waiting for clients at the same time] wanting to meet his friend’s soon to be employer formally.

“Donghae-sshi, What time did we arrive here last night?”

“About half past seven or almost eight, I guess.” Donghae answered.

“Well it is almost eight now. Where could he be?” Kyuhyun whispered. “He even looks the type who never gets late.” He thought.

“Did you both actually agreed to meet back here?”

“Huh?! Oh gosh! Wait! I remember what he said, he said ‘meet me again HERE, tomorrow when you decide to accept my offer’ he said “here” when we were at the restaurant not ‘here’ at the bar!” Kyuhyun facepalmed himself. “Oh gosh! I think I screwed up my interview!”

“Hey. Calm down. It’s not entirely your fault. Both of you didn’t clear up your meeting place.” Donghae said rubbing Kyuhyun’s back.

Kyuhyun can’t help feeling disappointed, can’t help feeling that he may just have to continue doing his first option to earn money. He looked at his watch again. It’s already 10 minutes past 8.

“I-I think I know where I need to go.” Kyuhyun said as he stood up and left his friend dumbfounded.

Siwon was indeed at the restaurant, inside the same private dining hall where he and Kyuhyun had dinner last night. He had already ordered dinner for both of them but he instructed the waiters to bring in the food only when Kyuhyun arrived. He kept looking at his watch noticing at the last glance that it’s already a few minutes past 8pm. “Where could he be? Was I too straightforward with my offer?”

He then thought back to their conversation, trying to remember what he said. ‘meet me again here…” HERE. He’s sure that that was what he told Kyuhyun, for them to meet back at the restaurant.

Then another thought flashed through his mind. Did Kyuhyun refused his job offer by not coming back to meet him?

“No. Please don’t continue in that job!” he said inwardly and hurriedly rushed out of the dining hall.

Kyuhyun was trying to put back his portfolio back into his bag as he was hurriedly walking out towards the hotel lobby that he didn’t see the person heading towards his direction. The other person was glancing at his watch to notice him coming head on. And they crashed.

Kyuhyun fell to the floor stunned, clutching at his forehead which hit the other person squarely on the shoulder. The man gained his balance and almost got mad at the person who bumped into him when he noticed Kyuhyun holding his head.

“Were you hurt?” he asked while stooping down.

The voice sounded familiar Kyuhyun thought and slowly raised his head and found himself eye level with Choi Siwon with only a few inches separating them.

"Eh," Kyuhyun blinked stupidly. "You're here."

"No, you're here," Siwon couldn't help but grinned. "I mean-- this means you agree to my job offer, right?"

"I was waiting for you at the bar," Kyuhyun spurted lamely, sounding like accusing the person who had been so kind to offer him a job. But Siwon didn't look like he mind it. Instead, his grin only grew bigger and offered his hand.

"I hope you can start tomorrow."

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