✰ four ribbons; when I lose my way, I make a coin toss ( phone / action )

Aug 23, 2011 08:10

♪ ⌊ A. phone; ⌉

You know... about last week, with all the weird things happening and all-- c, can we just forget about it? Say it never happened? [Because it didn't. It totally didn't.]

Anyway, I got a package in the mail today, but I still haven't checked it out... [And maybe she should, but. You know..]

Um, anyway, I was wondering... does anyone here know how to sew or hem stuff? I was thinking that maybe I could fix some of the clothes here -- but if you don't, no need to worry, it's fine!

♪ ⌊ B. action, streets of mayfield; ⌉

[If you're roaming around pretty much anywhere, it will be quite easy to spot Dawn today, especially since she's wearing this little number, if only because it's way more comfy than the clothes she usually wears at Mayfield. But she's also trying to avoid a certain someone, so she might be a bit jittery if you try to approach her.]

sob why, avoiding ash get!, fuu, *ic, /facepalm, just forget about it, not this again

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