✰ eleven ribbons; it's for the best, i know it ( phone / action )

Nov 29, 2011 12:09

[ On the phone today will be an oddly cheerful Dawn! However, that cheerfulness is different from her previous calls, it's fake, and overdone. ]

Hi, everyone! ... Um, it's me, Dawn. I'm really sorry about calling after all that, but... I'm really glad it's over, though, aren't you? Eheh.

Anyway, I was wondering... would anyone be willing to let me sleep over at their place for a night? I promise I won't be a bother, and I can even bake some cupcakes or cookies while I stay over there! Yep, there's no need to worry at all!

[ And wistfully, she adds: ] ... Thanks.OPTION B ✿ OPEN ACTION - all over mayfield
[ Dawn isn't going to school or work today. Please don't be mad at her! She didn't even bring Quilava or Buneary with her to train, either. Instead, she'll be running around Mayfield (and even going through the supposed "exits"), not caring at all that she'll just end up in another part of town, and, well, she's crying.. ]
I thought...

... There was no need to worry. [ And while she's running, she won't be paying too much attention and may even bump into you! What do? ] 

no more boyfriendo, no need to worry!, fake happiness!, angsting angst, all the tears

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