Title: Busted
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned
Summary: Jin got them into trouble...again...
AN: I wrote this so long ago, seriously, like when I was 14/15 and had just gotten into the fandom. I found it today and got such a huge nostalgia rush XD So here it is...
It was all Jin’s fault. It was always Jin’s fault. They were stuck in this mess because Jin was a horny idiot who couldn’t wait to get home.
The mess was a prison cell. Yes that’s right the famous Akame duo were in prison, thanks to Jin’s incessant groping and need to have sex right there and then. Thanks to him Kazuya was now pacing up and down the cell whilst some tattoo covered guy leered at him.
This was not how the night was supposed to go, it really wasn’t. They shared a nice candle lit meal and then they were to go to Kazuya’s house to have slow, romantic sex. But no, Jin wouldn’t wait. He decided that it was perfectly okay to have sex against a random wall. And thanks to their bad luck that wall turned out to be a police station wall...with hundreds of police officers inside it...and watching them...
So they were thrown into the police cell.
Jin got sick of watching his boyfriend pacing so he reached up and grabbed the other’s wrist. Kazuya lost his balance and fell onto Jin’s lap where he pouted and avoided the older man’s gaze. Used to such behaviour Jin simply held the other tightly and lifted his chin in order to softly brush their lips. Kazuya smiled gently and sighed into the kiss, when they broke apart he leaned his head on Jin’s chest.
He knew they should be careful about public affection, but they were already in jail and they didn’t have much to lose. Jin already called Yamapi to pick them up; he just prayed the NewS member wouldn’t tell Tatsuya. If the older man knew then there would be hell to pay.
The door cell was opened by a burly looking man and behind him Yamapi was glaring at the Akame couple. Jin grinned and helped Kazuya off of his lap before freezing when he caught sight of the man behind Yamapi.
Behind his best friend Ueda Tatsuya was glaring furiously, his hands were crossed over his chest and he looked livid. Kazuya immediately let go of Jin and sidled up to Tatsuya, pouting and giving him the puppy dog eyes.
“Tat-chan it’s all Jin’s fault, he molested me in front of a police station! You’re not going to punish me right?” Gazing deeply into the tearing eyes Tatsuya sighed before nodding and grasping the younger man’s hand. He turned to Jin who felt like his world was crashing down, first Yamapi betrayed him and now Kazuya.
“Akanishi you better hope no one finds out about this, I’ll give you your punishment when we get home” With that he left the area, dragging Kazuya with him who looked back and stuck his tongue out at Jin. Yamapi looked at Jin in sympathy before he guided his friend out of the police station.
And since then Akanishi Jin has never molested his beloved boyfriend in public again, well not in front of a police station anyway.
Lol isn't it awesome when you find fics you wrote years ago? XDDDDDD
As always comments are loved ♥♥♥