Jan 20, 2010 09:19
Walking toward the bus this morning, I thought, "I know this feeling. I felt this way for 8 years..." But at least then we could say, smugly, "At least Massachusetts is awesome." The only good thing I can say about Scott Brown is that he's a whole lot hotter than Martha Coakley. Are we really that shallow? I'm just waiting for the first sex scandal to hit. Men in power always cheat on their wives, and Brown was a centerfold in Cosmo, so you know he's vain.
I thought the Democrats would have learned their lesson after 2004 that supporting a candidate who is unlikable but at-least-better-than-a-Republican is a bad choice. Obama inspired people. I know people who were volunteering for Coakley's campaign and didn't even like her. And irony of ironies, people from other states, including Georgia, were calling us to tell us to vote for the Democratic candidate. Capuano would have been a far better choice. I don't think he would have resorted to negative campaigning because he could have actually talked about his Congressional record. He has accomplished things, and he is politically savvy. But a pathetic number of people even bothered to vote in the primary.
This is a disaster.