Stolen from Ellie (bored and procrastinating)

Oct 11, 2005 00:18

. How tall are you?: 167cm. Go me, I'm metric.

2. Do you own a gun?: No. But my Daddy does :D

3. Rehab? Counseling?: Thankfully, neither. I'm a fairly well adjusted individual...and when I'm not well-adjusted - that's just darn funny :D

4. Have you ever killed an animal?: Only small ones - ants, cockroaches, flies, spiders, numerous insects really. I may have inadvertently killed a fish once. Don't think I've murdered any 'beasts of the field' or owt... (unless you count buying sausages/chicken/beef etc as contributing to animal slaughter but that's just being persnickety now aint it)

5. Are you Irish?: No. But Lordy, wouldn't it be fun.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?: Depends where they're from :D If it's ice cream vans masquerading as burger vans then NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?: The one the Smurfs did. It's furneh. got it on tape somewhere actually... Your Christmas Wish wasn't it? But in general I like Christmas songs sung by animated heroes of mine.

8. What is your favorite smell?: My favourite new book smell. Or nice old book smell, sometimes. Oh yeah, baby. *Self Confessed Book Sniffer*

9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: Teaaaa. Or WHAT-ERRRRRR

10. Do you do push ups?: God no. Weak arms, dead weight. Plus I wouldn't want to touch the floor in my room with my bare hands really, let alone go near it with my nose! I'm dirty.

11. Have you ever done ecstasy?: Nah.

12. Have you been shot?: Strangely, no. Cambridge and Norwich don't really have much of a ghetto culture... Unless the kids in the car park outside suddenly grow up and get interested in firearms while I'm still here.

13. Have you ever been hospitalised?: Haven't actually. Go me. Healthy bod. lol!

14. Do you like pain killers?: Like the taste of Ibuprofen. But then I just like sugar, really.

15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?: Er.. Beats me. I'm surprised I can attract them at all, nevermind luring them lol Ask Dave! I wouldn't call it a weapon though, whatever it is...I don't attack boys with my womanly wiles or whatever!

16. Do you own a knife?: Yes.... I have a whole jugful

17. Do you have A.D.D?: Nope

18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?: I don’t have a tattoo. As I've said before, I'm quite content just to draw on myself with biro.

19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Tea. JD and Coke. Water. Coca Cola. Milk.

20. What's In Your CD Player?: I don't have a cd player here, but the last cd that was playing in my pooter was The Jam - Beat Surrender

21. Who is(are) your best friend(s)?: I have my little goodie bag of special fwends, not just one really.

22. What's Under Your Bed? Nothing actually. You can lift up the bed (it's a big cabin-type thing really) and deposit stuff under there but it's too much hard work, I haven't accumulated that much crap yet and I'd prolly forget it was there

23. Current Hair?: My 'current hair' has been the same for about a decade, man. Long and straight and natural brown! Yes I'm boring GET OVER IT

24. What are you wearing?: Grey trousers, white vest top. Nothing exciting, sorry. It is early hours of Tuesday morning to be fair.

25. Current Worry?: How the hell do I use the Library...

26. Current Love?: Cadbury's chocolate!! And time with Dave.

27. Current Hate?: The long walk to campus from Elm House! Takes half an hour to get to the WAM building (unless you walk really fast) cause it's like on the other end of the campus, such is my luck. Also I miss chips.

28. Favourite Place To Be?: In Elm House with my chums (and Dave) :D Or at home with my chums!

29. Least Favourite Place?: Haven't actually been to anywhere here yet that I've hated...Except our kitchen when it's minging.

30. If You Could Play an Instrument?: *thinks* The Bassoon! Like Howard Moon! lol

31. Favourite Colours?: Red. (And then rainbow colours)

32. Person(s) From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now?: The only people close to me of real importance who have died are my grandparents, and perhaps Uncle Jim who wasn't really my uncle. It would be nice to talk to my Grandaddy again. Maybe I would get round to asking him all the things I forgot to before.

33. Where Would You Like To Go?: America, to see what it's like, and if I hate it. Though I would like to go to Scotland first, and perhaps see more of Europe. But then, I'm not a big traveller, as most of you know, and I would refuse to go on my own because I am a big baby, so who knows! lol

34. Where Do you want to live?: I would stay in England I think. We seem to have it pretty good here. Though I wouldn't live too close to the edge. After all, we are being advised to take up homesteads in hilly places due to global warming which will eventually destroy all of England, and Scotland and Wales will laugh at us for being so silly and flat.

35. Favourite food?: Runny boiled eggs and soldiers...fresh white bread..chocolate...jelly tots...roast dinner

36. Colour of most clothes you own?: My clothes are all colours because I like to be a colourful lady.

37. Number of pillows you sleep with?: 2 now. Thanks Dave

38. What do you wear when you go to sleep?: Pyjamas. At the moment they're pink and stripy and smell slightly of Vapo-rub

39. What were you doing 12AM last night?: Watching Burnt Face Man and Salad Fingers episodes

40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?: Haven't a clue. Hopefully I'll be being happy!

41. Are you paranoid?: About some things yes.

42. First piercing/tattoo?: Had my ears done when I was little but let them close up cause I got bored.

43. Last person you yelled at?: dunno! I don't shout much...Haven't been able to the past couple of days!

44. Latest crush?: lol! I'll give you one guess.

45. Last thing you ate?: Strawberry laces.

46. If you could be a pirate, would you?: lol depends. If I was a cabin boy then no! (I don't wear shorts.) If I was Captain maybe...

47. Do you have an iPod?: I've only ever actually touched one once because I'm a peasant. So NO! I spit on your new fangled electronic revolution! lol Nah not really. Just in my experience of people I know having them, they are cool to have, but a lot of hassle and they break and go wrong and are stupid and get nicked and cost lots of money and you have stupid white earphones

48. When and why did you last vomit?: Many years ago. I don't keep records.

49. What's in your pockets right now?: Tissues and an ink cartridge.

50. What color are your bedroom walls?: Offwhitey-yellowish MAGNOLIA-like here in Norwich, but back home they be green.

51. Last thing that made you laugh?: The 80s cartoon site I found this evening...listening to various theme tunes I'd forgotten. The Family-Ness, anyone?

52. Any pets now?: Back home I have a fish. Here at uni I have a cactus which I shall call Angus.

53. Inny or an outty?: Inny, thanks. You?

54. Do you have any piercings?: Again with the piercings! What is it with you and your holey questionnaires

55. If you were a crayon what color would you be: White just to be annoying and useless

56. Have you ever won any awards?: No, I am not a recognisably talented child, except for the time when I won Ainsley Harriet's Barbeque Bible for doing an apparently cool project about Mexican Food - which I have never seen again to this day.

57. How many TV's do you have in your house?: At home we have 4 and a mini b/w wind up one in the kitchen. I wouldn't like to guess how many are in Elm House...

58. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone or gotten stitches?: Nope. My brother does all the spraining, breaking, fracturing and seamstressing for the both of us.

59. Who do you tell your dreams to?: Whoever can be arsed to listen

60. If you could pick one person to make out with who would it be?: Guess!

61. What do you think of the person who posted this before you?: She smells because you email her and she never emails you back :P

62. Have you ever gone to work drunk or loaded?: Thankfully no.

63. AOL Screen Name: Don’t do AOL no more.

64. Whats your middle Name?: Amanda

65. What time is it EXACTLY?: 01.10am. OOPS
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