Oct 16, 2006 02:51
So this break has totally been crazy. Home life has been home life. A little bit of drama with a whole bunch of randomness from the children. I have a few things here and there that I wish would work themselves out so I know where I am with certain people. Unfortunately, I've been sick all of the break and I'm just now getting better. I've spent the majority of the break sitting around watching the tube and whatever random movie I can get my hands on. Tonight I went for a bike ride for the first time in ages. It felt amazing. I got back and my legs felt like jello. Fortunately, I managed to work out my version of real life priates vs. ninjas. I'm going to film it so that all of you crazy hoodlums can see it. It shall be insane. I hope everyone comes back refreshed and reawesoeitized.