Michael Jackson is dead.
I feel like I have been slapped in the face. Pretty much no one understands how I
am feeling right now. He has been an essential part of my childhood and maybe my
life altogether. He has sparked my wish to sing and the constant desire to entertain
others. In the kindergarten, I forced the other children to act out "Moonwalker"
with me. At home, I lingered over the cassette cover of "Dangerous", which had his
eyes on it.. I felt a tingling in my tummy that I still feel now - when I have fallen
in love. I was five back then. My brother had me watched "Moonwalker" about 50 times,
we danced and sung and I was so jealous of the children in the movie, because I
wished Michael would be my friend or big brother.
With the image of characters such as Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan, I was for a
short time convinced you could only be successful if you are black. Man, was I
innocent, but I think Michael Jackson gave a lot of people hope - including me.
Four years ago, I had an extreme Michael Jackson phase. It helped me through a time
where I was not feeling well. I had lost my confidence and concentrated on things
that harmed me. He brought my feet back to the ground and reminded me of the beautiful
things in life.
Michael Jackson has given me so much. I know there is a place after life, and I hope
he is there. I hope he is happy. I hope he has the power to accept himself and know
that he has changed many lives across the world.
I love you, Michael. You will be missed, but never forgotten. Your music will keep
changing lives.