they're not quite as good as abby's i basically just scrambles your lj entry - but these were the best ones
i got bored and did a bunch of surveys - if your bored, they might be fun to do
Name a highly underrated film?:What Dreams May Come A highly overrated film?:Dumb and Dumber Last movie you saw?:Blow Out Last movie you purchased?:Identity just came in the mail - but i just payed for Unbreakable on eBay Favorite horror film?:i'm a cult fan of Final Destination...altho i love Silence of the Lambs Favorite "mafia/mob" film?:haven't really watched that many Favorite musical?:West Side Story and Phantom Al Pacino or Marlon Brando?:Al How many Hector Elizondo films can you name without cheating?:none Actors who've played the Devil?:wow a bunch - speaking of Al Pacino, didn't he do it once in some Keanu Reeves movie Favorite portrayal of the Devil?:ummm the one in The Passion of the Christ was pretty freaky Actors who've played God?:i'd give the prize to Morgan Freeman but it'd have to go to... Favorite God?:Alanis Morisette in Dogma Guilty pleasure film?:Center Stage Favorite "glbt" film?:ummm i do kno that i hate Rocky Horror Picture Show Sexiest actor?:Ewan McGregor Sexiest actress?:errrr i dunno Overrated actor?:Ben Affleck Overrated actress?:Cameron Diaz - she's not bad, just overrated Underrated actor?:Johnny Depp Underrated actress?:uhhh... Favorite French film?:Amelie Do you know the title in French?:Amelie...something Can you name a great film that you could only watch once?:The Exorcist, To Kill a Mockingbird, What a Wonderful Life Funniest film?:hmmm Meet the Parents, Dogma What one film have you seen the most times?:Moulin Rouge? maybe the Harry Potters or Lord of the Rings...or Star Wars...whatever, i watch a ton of movies Creepiest film?:The Exorcist Scariest film?:Pet Semetary Grossest film?:Misery - when she uses the sledgehammer on his ankles Sexiest film?:hmm that's a hard bout Mr. and Mrs. Smith Best sex scene?:there are so many to pick from Best zombie movie?:Dawn of the Dead Ever seen any silent films? (which):nope Favorite anime?:no anime for me! Favorite Disney cartoon film?:Lion King, Aladdin, Mulan Best CG animated film?:Finding Nemo & Toy Story Favorite short film?:uhh i dunno Best James Bond?:hmmm i dunno...i kinda liked the one w/ Halle Berry, but the old ones are good too Favorite Sci-fi film?:Contact....or Star Wars Favorite film about a prostitute/gigolo?:Pretty Woman Favorite Dustin Hoffman film?:i love Pappione [no ones EVER heard it] Feelings on Poltergeist?:good good movie...i own it Best actor to play Jesus?:jim caviezal? Favorite superhero film?:X-Men Saddest film?:Pay It Forward Happiest film?:Legally can u not be happy while watching it? Worst movie you've ever seen (just plain bad)?:Open Water...or Eyes Wide Shut Enjoyably bad movie?:Napolean Dynamite Favorite black and white film?:hmmm probly Schindler's List, tho i haven't seen the whole thing Favorite dead actor?:Jimmy Stewart Favorite dead actress?:Lucille Ball Favorite film with dog or dogs in the title?:ummm All Dogs Go To Heaven? Favorite film with love in the title?:wow i can't think of any... Most romantic film?:Moulin Rouge, but it's sad so....hmmm Favorite jedi knight?:Obi Wan Scariest alien?:the alien from ALIEN[s] Scariest monster?:the thing in Poltergeist is pretty creepy Weirdest movie?:I Heart Huckabees Favorite Al Pacino film?:don't have one Favorite Harrison Ford film?:Indiana Jones [Raiders of the Lost Ark] Favorite film about an animal (or animals)?:Homeward Bound Favorite Clint Eastwood film?:Blood Work? Favorite Western?:Blazing Saddles Favorite natural disaster film?:Twister...tho i have a strange obsession for Dante's Peak Film in the theaters now that you want to see?:The Island...which i'm seeing tonite
Films brought to you by
BZOINK! NamesSpell your name backwards:Acire What name do you absolutely love?:a bunch What name do you absolutely hate?:Mildred What name sounds like a name a cheerleader would have?:Amber On a scale of 1-10 rate how much u like your name (10 being i love my name):6-7 What is the best name for a band?:hmm i dunno LaughingWas there a time you laughed so hard you pissed your pants?:not that i can remember... Do you ever laugh like those evil vilians in those stupid movies? *muahaha*:sure Do you snort when you laugh?:try not to Do you cover your mouth when you laugh?:sometimes Was there a time u were told u cant laugh or you'd be in trouble? explain:sure - probly in a class Know anybody with an infectious laugh? who?:richie Who do you know who has the most annoying laugh ever?:janis on friends MusicOkay yeah you get asked this a lot...what is your favorite band/artist?:i dunno lots - Dave Matthews? Ask a random person if they like that they?:probly What genre would you describe your favorite band as?:Rock? What radio station plays them?:not to many How many cds of theirs do you have?:all of their prof. recorded ones...a few live ones Name the top 3 kinds of music you hate:Rap, R&B, blues What does your mom or dad (or whoever you live with) listen to?:whatever i put in the car Do you download music legally?:yes Illegally?:not too much Do you like Metallica?:sure Are you another person who worships Tupac?:no Why do you think he died? Or do you even care?:don't care How do you think Kurt Cobain died? Or do you even care?:i care, but i don't kno Have you ever bought a Backstreetboys CD/ Or N*Stink?:all of them Does music help you go to sleep?:sure What music do your friends listen to?:pretty much the same things Do you ever play music that your parents hate just to piss them off?:no Have you heard Rage Against The Machine? If not you should.:sure EmotionOn a scale of 1-10 how romantic are you in general?:5 What do you do to relieve stress?:listen to music or lay down What do you do when you are angry/sad?:yell Do you ever blast music when you are pissed off?:yup What song makes you sad?:"Iris" - Goo Go Dolls Happy?:"Renegade" - Styx Pissed off and/or rebellious?:a little Have you ever been depressed?:not really What was the saddest moment you've ever expirienced?:umm my godmother's funeral Happiest?:i'm happy a lot, i dunno When pissed at your parents do you cuss at them?:no Taking online/emailingDo you have aim/yahoo/msn etc..anything like that?:aol How often do you use it?:a fair amount How many people are on your buddy list?:about 100 Who are your favorite people to talk to online?:my friends Do you send chain letters?:no Do you ignore chain letters?:yes Do you have email?:yes If so...who hosts it? (i.e. yahoo, msn, aol, earthlink. etc):my school Have you ever sent an ecard?:yes PoliticsDemocrat or Republican or other?:libertarian Okay do you even care about politics?:yup Do you have the same political view as your parents?:somewhere in the middle Do you live in a red state or a blue state?:blue Your view on abortion?:pro-choice Deathpenalty?:against - every1 makes mistakes The war in Iraq?:see - every1 makes mistakes - this is a big one ReligionHow religious are you?:not Do you have religion? If so what is it?:i WAS rcatholic If you go to church do your parents force you to go?:they used to Believe in god?:i suppose Whats your view on athiests?:whatever Christians?:as long as they're not freaky-in-your-face Christians, i'm fine Catholics?:same here Jews?:i should convert Muslims?:they all seem very devoted - like praying 5 times a day...i don't have that discipline Agnostics?:i suppose i am one Byesay goodbye in everyway you know how.:Bye, Hasta, Adios, See Ya, Aloha, I'm Going Away, etc.
BZOINK! o well. i'm done.