the PMA boys (as in the entire group) just came through my door and serenaded me. it was frikin awesome.
how people have that happen to them on a saturday night.
umm i did another survey.
ABC of MeThe Letter AAre you available?:single What is your age?:20 What annoys you?:stupid people (especially stupid drivers) The Letter BDo you live in a big house?:umm sure When is your birthday?:October 9th Who is your best friend?:lots of best friends The Letter CWhat's your favorite candy?:gum Who's your crush?:at the moment - johnny depp...haha When was the last time you cried?:awhile The Letter DDo you daydream?:all the time What's your favorite kind of dog?:pug! What day of the week is it?:saturday The Letter EHow do you like your eggs?:omelette Have you ever been in the emergency room?:many times What's the easiest thing ever to do?:sit on your ass The Letter FHave you ever flown in a plane?:many times Do you use fly swatters?:no - magazines Have you ever used a foghorn?:no - i wish! The Letter GDo you chew gum?:all the time Are you a giver or a taker?:i hope more of a giver Do you like gummy candies?:sure The Letter HHow are you?:tired What color is your hair?:blonde/brown The Letter IWhat's your favorite ice cream?:vanilla Have you ever ice skated?:yes - i used to be good, but now i suck Do you play an instrument?:yeppers The Letter JWhat's your favorite jelly bean brand?:i don't like jelly beans Do you wear jewelry?:yes - especially rings The Letter KWho do you want to kill?:no one Do you want kids?:who knows Where did you go for kindergarten?:onondaga road elementary The Letter LAre you laid back?:i try to be Do you lie?:when i have to The Letter MWhats your favorite movie?:moulin rouge! Do you still watch Disney movies?:yes! Do you like mangos?:no The Letter NDo you have a nickname?:wong...midge... What is your real name?:erica Whats your favorite number?:9 Do you prefer night over day?:ehh The Letter OWhat's your one wish?:only one? to pass my PRJ Are you an only child?:yes The Letter PWhat one fear are you most paranoid about?:clowns What are your pet peeves?:people talking to you when you're in a bathroom stall What's a personality trait you look for in people?:fun The Letter QWhat's your favorite quote?:too many to think Are you quick to judge people?:unfortunately i usually am The Letter RDo you think you're always right?:no Are you one to cry?:not generally The Letter SDo you prefer sun or rain?:sun Do you like snow?:i did - until recently What's your favorite season?:fall The Letter TWhat time is it?:11:01 pm What time did you wake up?:8:30am When was the last time you slept in a tent?:this summer @ delta lake The Letter UAre you wearing underwear?:yes... Underwear or boxers?:underwear The Letter VWhat's the worst veggie?:cabbage, brussel sprouts Where do you want to go on vacation?:europe The Letter WWhat's your worst habit?:biting my nails Where do you live?:ackerman What's your worst fear?:screwing up my life The Letter XHave you ever had an x-ray?:many Have you seen the x-games?:yes - in person actually Do you own a xylophone?:i wish! The Letter YDo you like the color yellow?:sure, why not What's one thing you yearn for? bout a xylophone The Letter ZWhats your zodiac sign?:libra Do you believe in the zodiac?:no Favorite zoo animal?:penguins
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p.s. Richie and I are watching Narnia cuz i didn't feel up to giong to Dino BBQ. it makes me smile