dear steven q. reich,
why do you hate music history students so?
we understand that you believe it will rain
i think it will rain as well
you don't need to tell us for 20 minutes. i assure you, you convinced me after only 2.
thank you
i DID finish my paper. i'm not sure when - b/c well:
my computer start bar keeps freezing, but if i don't minimize my programs i've been able to run everything without having to restart it a bunch of times. however, because CLOCKS MUST HATE ME i did not realize that that also froze
i was like, woa...i finished that at midnite. but i feel that it probably wasn't too long after that. o well.
today was pretty kickass. i basically spent it with the cassatt quartet. they played my piece in diego vega's class, which meant two things.
1 - i got to hear my piece played
2 - i didn't have to go to tech
i also had fun in orch. today, but i miss sitting by the horns.
no windphony ensemband. = good.
dinner at the mall w/ laura and bunger = awesome
also. jessie and i decided to write a piece based on Peep Jousting. She'll write the libretto, and i'll write the music. it should be awesome. and john l. is apparently pissed that he didn't think of that idea first.
last. you should all watch this.
it's the VIDEO of us playing putt-putt
it's fucking hilarious
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