when you say you need me like i need you

Mar 25, 2006 22:08

so life has been ridiculous lately. i finished drivng school finally :) and ive been working like crazy as always. im DONE with school.... theres jus no motivation there for me anymore and i have been having a ridiculous time staying in school later than 12:55. i finally picked up my prom dress though and yes, i do look absolutely gorgeous in it.

robert and i had this huge fight cuz he got all pyscho on me but things have been gradually getting better. tonight he was pretty mad though cuz this boy at work flirted with me all night right in front of rob and was doing things like asking for my number, asking me out, hugging me playing with my hair etc and robert was quite UNhappy.
and rob said if he calls me tonight rob wants to know ASAP and i said great, then u MAY NOT talk to any of these girls that call you all the time.

so at least weve finally reached an understanding which stems from him being in my shoes once. work was crazy tonight though. we had FIVE servers when we should have had 7. so that made things kinda rough.

i canNOT wait for prom!!!!!! and graduation... and ive made my decision for college.....
drum roll plz....
towson university.

oh and remember my freind steph who i was really worried about cuz she ran away and then ended up living with her boyfreind? well shes so dumb and im so worried about her. first of all, she was dumb enough to get pregnant by her loser lowlife boyfreind and second he abuses her. BADLY. and shes so blinded by him she wont let anyone help her.
people are so dumb.
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