the Kenshin sake thing: 2 more picpoems

Jun 01, 2008 23:30

To continue the theme and to get these out of my system, I offer two further Kenshin glimpses:  sake used a prop for a piece of taunting and the downfall due to the sake (I really need a more appropriate picture for this - big apologies to Gackt for stealing a bit of Crescent for Kenshin):

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kenshin, sake, poetry, gackt

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wongkk July 25 2008, 14:32:03 UTC
Welcome here! I didn't know that I have a dead link over at 100 roadtrips (though I do remove stuff from time to time: it's not that I can't count to 100 but more that the style is sometimes too poetic or the mood too sombre). So, yeah, I did delete a post earlier this week. Is that what you mean, I wonder?

I'm not very experienced at LJ so I'm also not sure what you mean by sharing "that link here". Would you be prepared to explain a bit more, please? If you mean could I repost to 100 roadtrips or to this LJ, I can certainly do that - but, if it's more technical, I'll need to buy a few more brain cells over the weekend!

That aside, thank you for reading some of the entries here and for leaving your comments. You're right: I do live in an exciting and fortunate (I want to write "blessed" but it sounds odd!) place in terms of beauty, cultural traffic and the variety of people and their creativity.

Of course, I hope to write more poetry but it would be easier if I was smarter at making more free time to spend on the writing. As it is, the exciting place where I live is better at providing me with inspiration than I am at taking artistic advantage of it!

Oh - I try not to believe that real heaven is anything like Gaiden! The Gaiden events are so like the chaos that Kenshin was fighting to end, no? (I'm not sure that Konzen ever ENJOYED the sake; he seems to prefer doing everything - even practising vices, especially other people's - under suffrance).

If you like manga, some of my prose Saiyuki writing is over at Echoes from the West:
Um - it's not all worth reading but, if you like AU, I'd suggest "on way to the sun" or "presenting the subject", which are both for fun, as is "remote control". Bleaker - but you could say more poetic - are "out of sight" and "return no respite". I don't think the other pieces will offer you much.

There are also 2 or 3 Gackt/Moonchild pieces on the dreaded under "movies" and "moonchild" and buried under the huge heap of shrieking Mary Sues!

In time, I hope to advance the visual presentation of my picpoems; at present my technical and sourcing skills are three steps behind my grasp of language. Am I saying this to lure you back?? Who knows! Meanwhile, thanks for taking a look and for leaving your thoughts and impressions; they can only help me to continue writing and to improve.


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