Well, it happens each year: the flood plain is flooded! These pictures are taken in the morning on my cycle ride to work. I was a bit later this morning and caught the sunrise. As the sky was reasonably clear, even the pre-sunrise dawn showed the extent of the water, which is pretty much an inland sea at present.
There's nothing much to say really: just water, water everywhere.
In this next photo, that water is not a river; there are fields under there.
Back to the city side of the road and more fields:
In that last picture, you can see that the ditch at the bottom of the embankment supporting the cycle track is full of water. The level of the water is currently about 4 feet (just over one metre) below the level of the track that I am standing on.
I'll end with a couple of views from the bridge. First, a view looking towards the (long gone) lower bank where the broken fence line marks the site of a stile and a public footpath:
This last photo shows the higher bank from the bridge, with the white gleam of water already some way up the embankment:
This is what I see (and smell and hear) on my way to work. It is quite a pleasant way to start the day although I think we have water enough now!