Flowers - a thank you bouquet

May 14, 2011 23:27

As I can't send the real flowers from my garden as a token of the huge thanks I owe to the generous and wonderful ditch_gospel for an unexpected and undeserved saiyuki (manga series) gift which arrived this morning, I thought I'd post some photos from today for everybody to see.  Here are three different views of the garden in general: 

Some of the specific characters in the flower beds are pretty colourful at present, especially a rough-edged scarlet and black poppy, a huge crimson rhodoendron and its neighbour the sweet-scented golden philadelphus:

After mowing the grass, I tried my first shot at a Yellow Fried Chickenz dish - not dislikable but scarcely stunning (and possibly not helped by my lack of oven as several of the recipes I used to base the trial on required oven-crisping as the final stage).  Tomorrow, a friend is bringing over Dorinda Hafner's United Tastes of America, which apparently has a dazzling version of southern fried chicken.  Trial 2 will tell!  Meanwhile, here's tonight's dinner:

- and now I'm off to read that saiyuki treat :=)

garden, gackt, saiyuki

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