(no subject)

Jul 20, 2009 09:31

"IN 1998, FORMER Ren Ci CEO Ming Yi bought properties and assets in Perth, Australia, including a plot of land - where a house was built later - a BMW car, a country club membership and a horse.

The court heard that Ming Yi's first property was in Mountbatten Road, bought in the late 1980s, which he used as the site of Chao Yin Lodge, a Buddhist charity that he ran. A devotee helped with the downpayment and others chipped in for the instalments, but Ming Yi was the registered owner. The property was sold in 1994 and the proceeds used to buy a two-storey semi-detached house worth $1.48 million in Bedok Ria Crescent, as the new site of the lodge. A year later, Ming Yi also purchased a $1.38 million condominium in Meyer Road.

In July 1998, the monk and a former Ren Ci treasurer, Mr Wee Beng Seng, bought a piece of land in Perth, Australia, on which they later built a house. They sold it in 2002. Ming Yi also bought a BMW and country club membership in Australia. Another purchase was a show horse, which he sold subsequently when he found out that the trainer was using it for racing." - straits times online

it's cases like these that make people stop donating to charities.

now you'll start to wonder where all the money you have donated for the past few years to charity go.

it's a sad world we live in ain't it ?

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