Feb 18, 2011 20:41
Well I can say that technically I've been in an MRI machine and have had a part of my body scanned.
To be correct, I was a guinea pig in testing a coil that was giving problems earlier. And, to be even more correct, I was a volunteered guinea pig, not by my own choosing initially, but rather by my clinical instructor and the manager. So technically...... yeah, I've had my brain hydrogen molecules set to a certain precession for a certain sequence only 10 times to give a nondiagnostic series of images. Would I care to repeat an MRI of my poor fried brain? Probably not. I'd probably care for a C-spine even less. Would I volunteer again to be a guinea pig? Yeah, probably, because I'm a suck up. Damn the need to be helpful and please.
At least I can understand why people freak out in the machine. The loud noise doesn't help too much either.
Damn, I should have asked for the images on a CD for proof! But I know myself. If I asked for them, I would have gone over those images like mad scientist in search of new alchemy; and every imperfection I saw, I would scour the internet for the reason. I would have attributed every damn headache to the imperfections and probably scared myself into a wrong diagnosis.
On another note, this medicine brings on different symptoms every month. I don't think I was this volatile before the pill. However, being volatile is much more preferable to curling up in pain for 2-3 days a month or so.