Minneapolis loves Wong Kar Wai. Regardless of how I usually recoil from Rob Nelson's and Terri Sutton's humorless and agenda-stuffed articles, the fact that they maintain unabashed enthusiasm for the director and choose to look past the pretty images into the heart of what Wong is really trying to do makes me happy.
First the review:
Endless Love by Rob Nelson Favorite line: "Distance, however unattainable, is a desired state in 2046, a film whose intellectual provocations don't always enable the viewer (I'm tempted to say patient) to procrastinate the processing of its too-intense sights and sounds."
Man, that almost gets it right. In other words, pay attention, and be prepared to watch a second time. Though 2046 seems incomprehensible and languid, I think it is the only complete film WKW has ever made, and I think every part of it is absolutely required to make its point. I think he has completed a cycle, a progression, and he never needs to return. After this, he packs up his bags to conquer the West. Just think: he'll never make another movie like this again.
Tony! Tony! Tony! an interview with Tony Leung by Terri Sutton Enjoy!
P.S. Anyone out there locate an (English or Chinese) transcript or screenplay for this film? I'd like to try my hand at analyzing it.